The Slavonic Written Language Came to Rus from Bulgaria in the Oth Ontury Towards the End of This Century the Replacement of Religious


The Slavonic written language came to Rus from Bulgaria in the oth ontury Towards the end of this century the replacement of religious books in Greek for those in the Slavonic language began Between the Toch and 13th centunes Russians developed a high contization, which formed the foundation of the Russian culture in the following contunes. During this penod mumerous cultural treasures were accumulated? The written works of the time show that the lovel of knowledge on most natural phonomena was as high as that of Ancient Greece Monastwries were cultural and educational centres. They had large libraries and well-equipped book-making shops, in which not only church manuscripts were copied and translated but original books were written Today we can confidently say that Ancient Rus was a state of high culture and knowledge 2. In pre-revolutionary Russia there was a network of primary schools for common people. Nevertheless illiteracy among common people was very high Well-off people taught their children in grammar schools commercial schools or secondary schools teaching no classics. There were also schools for nobles only. Entrance to those schools was limited. For example, at lycée where AS: Pushkin studied the number of pupils ranged from thirty to one hundred Only boys at the age of 10 or 12 from noble families of high rank were admitted and studied there for SIX years. They were taught many different sybjects. The most important were Russian literature, history, goography mathematics, physics, logic, law, thetoric and such foreign languages as French, English German and Latin Great attention was paid to different arts and physical training riding. swimming, fencing and dancing The aim of this school was to bring up intelligent people in the broad sense of the word Those who graduated from such educational institutions usually entered the service of their country to realize their abilities and knowledge to the benefit of their state 3. The history of higher education in Russia goes back to 1755 when the first University was founded in Moscow on the initiative of MV Lomono sov and in accordance with his plan Later universities were opened in many other big cities of the country 4. After the revolution in 1917, education was guaranted to the Soviet citizens by the Constitution and was free of charge, including higher education. Teaching at schools was carried out almost in all national languages. The system of education was the same throughout the country. School attendance was compulsory for those between 7 and 15. Those who completed their and passed entrance examinations to higher education establishments received monthly grants if not


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The text provided discusses the history of education in Russia, from the time of Ancient Rus to the post-revolutionary period. It highlights the development of cultural and educational centers, the establishment of schools for the nobility, and the foundation of universities. Additionally, it touches upon the changes in education after the 1917 revolution, emphasizing the guarantee of education for all citizens and the compulsory nature of school attendance.