civil leg al re lation s inclu de th e following ele ment s: subject, content , objective side subjective side , subject, object


CIVIL LEG AL RE LATION S INCLU DE TH E FOLLOWING ELE MENT S: subject, content , objective side subjective side , subject, object object, subject , content content , objective side


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элита · Репетитор 8 лет


In civil legal relations, the elements typically include the following:1. Subject: The subject refers to the matter or issue at hand. It can be a person, a thing, or an event that is the focus of the legal relationship.2. Content: The content refers to the specific details or facts surrounding the subject. It provides the context and information necessary to understand the legal relationship.3. Objective side: The objective side refers to the goals or purposes that the parties involved in the legal relationship aim to achieve. It defines the scope and boundaries of the relationship.4. Subjective side: The subjective side refers to the perspectives, intentions, and motivations of the parties involved in the legal relationship. It takes into account their personal interests and desires.5. Object: The object refers to the specific outcome or result that the parties involved in the legal relationship aim to achieve. It is the end goal or purpose of the relationship.6. Content, objective side: This combination refers to the specific details or facts surrounding the subject, along with the goals or purposes that the parties involved aim to achieve.In summary, civil legal relations involve various elements such as the subject, content, objective side, subjective side, object, and content, objective side. These elements help define the nature and scope of the legal relationship and guide the interactions between the parties involved.