What to the Rules tell OOW to do? Slow down Altcourse to starboard , sounding one short blast on the whistle Keep out of the way of the other vessel Maintain course and speed, continuing to monitor the situation
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The rules tell the OOW (Officer on Watch) to:1. **Maintain course and speed, continuing to monitor the situation**: This is the primary action unless there is an immediate danger or a collision is imminent.2. **Alter course to starboard, sounding one short blast on the whistle**: This is done to signal the intention to alter the course to starboard.3. **Keep out of the way of the other vessel**: This is important when the other vessel has the right of way.4. **Slow down**: This may be necessary if the situation requires a reduction in speed to avoid a collision or to comply with the rules of the road.The rules of the road at sea are designed to ensure safe navigation and prevent collisions between vessels. The OOW must be vigilant and make decisions based on the situation, ensuring compliance with the rules while prioritizing safety.