

consumption and name the enzymes involved . Calculate the energy ounding Choose one correct answer: 4. Which of the following gastrointestinal enzymes breaks down starch in the first stage of catabolism? A pepsin B. trypsin C. lipase D. amylase E. sucrase 5. The reactions catalyzed by the pyruvate dehydrogenas e complex occur in the: hondri al matrix B cytoplasm brane space of mitochondria D.lvsosomes E. nucleus 6.Coenzymes participat in the reaction of oxidative decarbox vlation of a-ketoglutarate in the following sequence: A. B. TPP, CoA -SH.NAD FAD, lipoic acid C. TPP, lipoic acid, CoA -SH, FAD , NAD D. NAD, FAD . CoA-SH lipoic acid, TPP E. TPP . CoA-SH,FAD, lipoic acad, NAD 7. The multienzym comple x catalyzes the conversion reaction: A. oxaloacetate + acetyl-CoA - citrate B.succinate ­­­­→fumarate c isocitrate ­­­­→a-ketoglutarate D. a-keto glutarate ­­­­→succinyl-CoA E.malate ­­­­→ ox aloacetate 8. Substrat of microsoma I oxidation is: A.glutamic acid B.arachidonic acid C.aspartic acid D. lactic acid E.malic acid 9. The cvtochrome located on the inner membrane of mitochondria outside the enzyme com plexes is: A. a B. a3 C. c D. C_(1) E.b 10 Mitochondria of brown fat cells differ from the mitochondr ia of other cells in that thev contain: Mito a relatively v high content of components of the respiratory chain and a smal I amount of HY-ATPases A.relatively lower content of components of the respiratory chain and a small amount of H +-ATPases B.relatively high content o component s of the respiratory chain and a large amount of HY-ATPases D.they lack components of the respirator chain E. they lack H +-ATPases 11. Eating confe ctionery and I sweet tea is accompanied by dyspeptic : disorders in a child.such as vomiting and diarrhea.Milk does not cause such a reaction. A cause of this disease is deficiency of enzyme: A. lactase B. maltase C. fructose -1-phosphate aldolase D phosphofructokinase E. sucrase 12 . Iodoacetate ,an inhibitor of sulfhydryl groups , suppresses glycolysis at the level of the enzy me: A.hexokinase B . phosphofructokinase C. aldolase D . phosphoglycerate mutase E. glyceraldehy de phosphate dehy drogenase 13. The redox reaction in glycolysi s is the conversion: A. 3-phosp ohoglycerate ­­­­→ 2-phosp ohoglycerate B 2-phosphoglycerate phosphoenolpyruvate


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4. D. amylaseAmylase is the enzyme that breaks down starch in the first stage of catabolism.5. C. intermembrane space of mitochondriaThe reactions catalyzed by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex occur in the intermembrane space of mitochondria.6. E. TPP, CoA-SH, FAD, lipoic acid, NADCoenzymes participate in the reaction of oxidative decarboxylation of α-ketoglutarate in the following sequence: TPP, CoA-SH, FAD, lipoic acid, NAD.7. D. α-ketoglutarate → succinyl-CoAThe multienzyme complex catalyzes the conversion reaction of α-ketoglutarate to succinyl-CoA.8. B. arachidonic acidThe substrate of microsomal oxidation is arachidonic acid.9. B. a3The cytochrome located on the inner membrane of mitochondria outside the enzyme complexes is a3.10. A. a relatively high content of components of the respiratory chain and a small amount of H+-ATPasesMitochondria of brown fat cells differ from the mitochondria of other cells in that they contain a relatively high content of components of the respiratory chain and a small amount of H+-ATPases.11. A. lactaseEating confectionery and sweet tea is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders in a child, such as vomiting and diarrhea. Milk does not cause such a reaction because of the deficiency of the enzyme lactase.12. B. phosphofructokinaseIodoacetate, an inhibitor of sulfhydryl groups, suppresses glycolysis at the level of the enzyme phosphofructokinase.13. B. 2-phosphoglycerate → phosphoenolpyruvateThe redox reaction in glycolysis is the conversion of 2-phosphoglycerate to phosphoenolpyruvate.