4) applyin p a THE P JRPOSE OF PR EPARING A . CARIOUS CAVITY IS: 1 restoratior of the anatomica shape of the tooth 2 restoration of tooth function 3) remova of necrotic dentin 4) creation of a cavity shape for filling. THE PHOSPHA TE CEMENT 'LIOUID IS: 1)orthophospho ric acid 2) eugenol 3)hydrochloric acid 4) a solution of phosphoric acid salts of aluminum and zinc. PHOSPHA ITE CEMENT CURING TIME: 1) 1 min 2). 2-3 min 3).5 min 4).6-8 min. SILVER AMALGAN I HAS POSITIVE ; PROPER TIES: 1) high strength , ductility 2), good adhesion 3), aesthetics 4), high thermal conductivity. MAIN DISADV ANTAGES > OF MICROHYBRID COMPC )SITES ARE: 1) strength 2) color fastness 3)polymerizati on shrinkage 4) X-ray contrast. THE INITI ATOR OF 'POLY MERIZA TION OF THE LIGHT- CURED MATERIAI IS: 1)camphorqu inone 2) benzoyl peroxide 3)aromatic amines 4) benzoy peroxide and aromatic amines. OF THE MAI IN COMPONENT (UP TO 95% ) OF * PHOSPHA TE CEMEN'T POWDE R IS OXIDE: 1) silicon 2 ) magnesium 3) zinc 4) calcium. BODINC SYSTEMS ; INCLUDE: 1)orthophosphoric acid 2) primer and adhesive 3 ) hydrochloric acid 4 ) hydrofluori c acid. LIQUID COMPOSITES ARE INTRODUCED ) INTO THE CAVITY: 1) ironer 2 corkscrew 3) syringe 4) syringe and ironer.
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1) The purpose of preparing a carious cavity is:4) creation of a cavity shape for filling.2) The phosphate cement (liquid) is:4) a solution of phosphoric acid salts of aluminum and zinc.3) Phosphate cement curing time:2) 2-3 min4) Silver amalgam has positive properties:1) high strength, ductility5) Main disadvantage of microhybrid composites are:3) polymerization shrinkage6) The initiator of polymerization of the light-cured materials:1) camphorquinone7) Of the main component (up to 95%) of phosphate cement powder is oxide:4) calcium8) Bonding systems include:2) primer and adhesive9) Liquid composites are introduced into the cavity:3) syringe