

4 Fill in the gaps with the right preposition There are some extra prepositions. Delvery of Vehicle and Equipment Seller shall deliver the vehicle and Equipment, and Buyer shall take possession of the Vohiclo and Equipment, at Seller's premises square 10th February. 2020 square the delivery is made after the reference date then Soller must ensure the Vehicle and Equipment is delivered in the condition square the last inspoction porformed by Buyer. Buyer must appear at Seller's premises square standard business hours on or before the Delivery date square remove the Vohicle and Equipment from Seller's promises, square the risk of loss passes to Buyer. Integration This Agreement is the exclusive agreement botween the parties with square its subject matter. Its terms square price and dolivery dato cannot be modified square a written agreement signed by both parties. Neither party has relied upon any statement and warranty of the other party square those contained in the Agreement prior to beyond except for in case otherwise concerning without in accordance with due to respect to in order to


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Here is the completed text with the appropriate prepositions filled in:---**Delivery of Vehicle and Equipment**Seller shall deliver the vehicle and Equipment, and Buyer shall take possession of the Vehicle and Equipment, at Seller's premises **on** 10th February, 2020 **after** the delivery is made after the reference date then Seller must ensure the Vehicle and Equipment is delivered in the condition **as** the last inspection performed by Buyer. Buyer must appear at Seller's premises **during** standard business hours on or before the Delivery date **and** remove the Vehicle and Equipment from Seller's premises, **then** the risk of loss passes to Buyer.---**Integration**This Agreement is the exclusive agreement between the parties with **respect to** its subject matter. Its terms **cannot** be modified **without** a written agreement signed by both parties. Neither party has relied upon any statement and warranty of the other party **except for** those contained in the Agreement.---Note: The prepositions used are "on," "after," "as," "during," "and," "then," "respect to," "cannot," "without," and "except for."