

10. __ What's on BBC 2 at eight o'clock? - As far as I can remember there's a quiz programme. - Do you mind if I watch it? __ No, I've been looking forward to it all evening. 11. - Did you see the play on television last night? __ No, I didn't What was it? __ "Romeo and Juliet."I cried. __ Cried? Why? __ Well, it was very sad. At the end , Romeo killed him- self and then Juliet killed herself. __ It sounds silly to me. Why did they kill themselves? __ for love! - Oh, they were silly,weren't they? I wouldn't kill myself for love. __ No, you wouldn't , 1 know.


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10. What's on BBC 2 at eight o'clock?- As far as I can remember there's a quiz programme.Do you mind if I watch it?__No, I've been looking forward to it all evening.11.- Did you see the play on television last night?__ No, I didn't What was it?__ "Romeo and Juliet."I cried.__ Cried? Why?__Well,it was very sad. At the end,Romeo killed himself and then Juliet killed herself.__It sounds silly to me. Why did they kill themselves?- __ for love!- Oh, they were silly,weren't they? I wouldn't killmyself for love.__ No, you wouldn't, 1 know.