9. Total Lung Capacity a. It is the ma <imum volume of air th e lungs car accommo date or sum of all volume compartn ents or volume of air in lung s after maximum insp iration. b. It is th e total amount of air exhaled afte r maxim al inhalation. c. The norma l adult value is approximately 4800 ml d. The norma l adult value is approximately 4000-6000 ml. e. It is cal culated by summing tidal volu me, inspirator y reserve volume , and expiratory reserve volume. f. It is calc lated by summation of the fou primary lung volumes Part 3:Fill in the blanks 10. The tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas ex chang e occurs are called __ 11. The process by which oxyge n and carbon dioxide move across the alveolar -capillary me mbrane is called __ . 12 . Breathing rate is __ . 13. The chemore ceptor s present in the brain are called __ 14. The pressure difference that drives air into the lungs is called __ 15. Functior of __ is increases depth of inspiration by acting directly on the inspiratory center. Part 4:True or False 16. The trachea is lined with cilia that help remove foreign particles from the air. 17 . Inhalation is the activ e phase of ven tilation. 18. The partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli is higher than in the blood. 19 rate is unaffected by exercise. 20 . Exhalation is the active phas e of ventilation. 21 . Pleural pi ressure is the pressure of the flu id in the thin space between the lung pleura and the ches t wall pleura. 22 .Alveolar pressure is the pressure difference between that in the alveoli and that on the outer sur faces of the lungs,and it is a measur e of the elast ic forces in the lungs ; that tend to collapse the lungs at each instan t of respiratior , callec I the recoil pressure. Part 5:Short Answer 23 . Describe the mechanism of inspiration. 24 . What is the effect of increasir g carbor dioxide concentratio n on respirator y rate? 25 . Describe the breathing process (main stages).
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9. Total Lung Capacitya. It is the maximum volume of air the lungs can accommodate or the sum of all volume compartments or volume of air in the lungs after maximum inspiration.b. It is the total amount of air exhaled after maximal inhalation.c. The normal adult value is approximately 4800 ml.d. The normal adult value is approximately 4000-6000 ml.e. It is calculated by summing tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, and expiratory reserve volume.f. It is calculated by the summation of the four primary lung volumes.10. The tiny air sacs in the lungs where gas exchange occurs are called alveoli.11. The process by which oxygen and carbon dioxide move across the alveolar-capillary membrane is called diffusion.12. Breathing rate is the number of breaths taken per minute.13. The chemoreceptors present in the brain are called central chemoreceptors.14. The pressure difference that drives air into the lungs is called the pressure gradient.15. The function of the diaphragm is to increase the depth of inspiration by acting directly on the inspiratory center.Part 4: True or False16. True17. True18. True19. False20. False21. True22. TruePart 5: Short Answer23. The mechanism of inspiration involves the contraction of the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles, which increases the volume of the thoracic cavity and decreases the pressure inside the lungs. This causes air to flow into the lungs.24. Increasing carbon dioxide concentration in the blood leads to an increase in the respiratory rate. This is because the body tries to remove the excess carbon dioxide by increasing the rate of breathing.25. The breathing process consists of two main stages: inhalation and exhalation. During inhalation, the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles contract, increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity and allowing air to flow into the lungs. During exhalation, the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles relax, decreasing the volume of the thoracic cavity and forcing air out of the lungs.