No2. Rewrite the sentences into Passive Voice. Mother waters the flowers in the evening. A boy showed her the way. They will send us a box of fruit. In summer the boys often drive the horses to the fields. They have translated the book into 25 languages. B Fill in the missing word.There are three answers you do not need to use. Bushy, crooked,fit, overweight,suits, try,protruding, frizzy,slim 5. She's got a very __ figure. 6. Ben made a nasty remark about Kate's __ eyebrows. 7. Would you like to __ on that dress? 8. Liz is __ She must go on a diet. 9. Ted doesn't like his __ nose. 10. I'm not happy with my __ hair! I wish it was straight.
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Sure, let's rewrite the sentences into passive voice and fill in the blanks:### Passive Voice Sentences:1. The flowers are watered by Mother in the evening.2. She was shown the way by a boy.3. A box of fruit will be sent to us by them.4. The horses are often driven to the fields by the boys in summer.5. The book has been translated into 25 languages by them.### Fill in the Blanks:5. She's got a very **slim** figure.6. Ben made a nasty remark about Kate's **protruding** eyebrows.7. Would you like to **try** on that dress?8. Liz is **overweight**. She must go on a diet.9. Ted doesn't like his **crooked** nose.10. I'm not happy with my **frizzy** hair! I wish it was straight.