8. JIOKOMOTHB Ha4HHaeT TAHYTI cocraB Macco# 2000r c ycKopeHHeN I Bcero noe3/1a 0,5M/c^2 Torna CHJIa TATH JIOKOMOTHBa: a. 1 MH c. 4 MH b. 1 KH d. 4 KH 9. Herp TO JIHHMaeT rupro c CHUIOU 100 H HarrpaBJIeHHOW BepTHKaJIbHC BBepx KaKOM CHUIOH rup nexcrBye T Ha pyky Herpa ecjin ecJIV g=10M/c^2 Macca rapn 15 KT. a. 150 H c. 50 H b. 100 H d. OH 10 TPeHNS mkada 06 non 0.8 a Macca mukacba 250 Kr . HerpoBry IIbrraercs ero neperlBHHYTb . KaKoã CHIIbI oyner HerpoBHuy: a. 200 H c. 2000 H b.2500 H d . BCë paBHO He C)TBHHET 11.Ecm THHTE Kora 3a __ XBOCT, TO npw ynpyrocTH 200H/M OH pactsuyJICAHa 8 cM,a a. 1600 H c. 16H b. 25 H d. 0,04 H 12 BynceHb IIvnceHb CWIT Ha KayeJIM,KoTopas ( HaXO)UTC B paBHOBecm .Macca Byncena 5 rpaMM H paccrosHHHe no HeHTPa Kayejin 0,1 M. Macca Ilymcerns 12.5 rpaMM . Ha a paccrosiHue OT HeHTPa Kagem no IIyuceHst: a. 4 M c. 2,5 M b.. 0,04 M d. 0.25 m 13.Bec KOTHKa Ha Mapce paBer 44,! H (g=3,7) . Hem oyner DaBeH Bec KOTUKO Ha JIvHe (g=1,62) ? Ha 3emore (g=9,8) ? Ha FOmrrepe (g=25,8) ? Ha Comme (g=274) ? (KOTHK cynepripoutbix) 14.Haǎru nepByro KOCMHYLCK YTO CKOPOCTE IMIaHeTE I 3emJra pannycom 6371 KM H ycKopeHHeM CBO6OLIHOIC ) nartenna 9,8M/c^2 15.Haǎn u ycKopeHue CBO60/HHOT ) nartenna Hà IJIaHeTe X,ecJIH panuyc IMaHeTbI 6051 ,8 KM, a Macca 4,87times 10^24KT
(231 Голоса)
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8. The correct answer is b. 1 KH.Explanation: The given equation is
. To find the value of M, we need to rearrange the equation to solve for M. Multiplying both sides by
, we get
. Dividing both sides by 0.5, we get
. Since
(assuming the speed of light),
. Therefore, the correct answer is b. 1 KH.9. The correct answer is a. 150 H.Explanation: The given equation is
. We are given that the mass of the object is 15 Kr. Substituting this value into the equation, we get
. Simplifying this equation, we get
. Since
. Therefore, the correct answer is a. 150 H.10. The correct answer is d. BCè paBHO He CLIBHHET.Explanation: The given equation is
. To find the value of a, we need to rearrange the equation to solve for a. Dividing both sides by 0.8, we get
. Simplifying this equation, we get
. Therefore, the correct answer is d. BCè paBHO He CLIBHHET.11. The correct answer is c. 16 H.Explanation: The given equation is
. We are given that the mass of the object is 8 cM. Substituting this value into the equation, we get
. Simplifying this equation, we get
. Since
. Therefore, the correct answer is c. 16 H.12. The correct answer is a. 4 M.Explanation: The given equation is
. To find the value of rpaMM, we need to rearrange the equation to solve for rpaMM. Dividing both sides by 0.1m, we get
. Simplifying this equation, we get
. Therefore, the correct answer is a. 4 M.13. The correct answer is a. 44.4 H.Explanation: The given equation is
. We are given that the mass of the object is 44.4 H. Substituting this value into the equation, we get
. Simplifying this equation, we get
. Therefore, the correct answer is a. 44.4 H.14. The correct answer is 637 KM.Explanation: The given equation is
. We are given that the distance is 637 KM. Substituting this value into the equation, we get
. Simplifying this equation, we get
. Since
. Therefore, the correct answer is 637 KM.15. The correct answer is
.Explanation: The given equation is
. We are given that the mass of the object is
. Substituting this value into the equation, we get
. Therefore, the correct answer is