3apaHue 22 22. YCIaHOBII COOTRETCTSME MENAY W306pa3MTenbHo-Bblpa3M cpencro R3blka, Koropble ynorpeGnewbl BHHX: IC kampoin no3munu nepsoro (zonbua noubepu cooreercrsylougyo no3Mimo 133 eroporo cron6ila. A) B GespevictovM HOYHOM XHBeñ ropat BOMHO 3Men cepnewor yrpbiseHb8. (A. C. IlyukuH) 5) Ho kpacotbl HX 6e306pa3Hoi R CKOpO TaMKCTBO nOCTHT. (M. 10. flepMoHTOB) 1) Ko MHe npunnbibang Ko MHe npunerana benar Yahka! PA3UTEIIbHO- BblPA3MTEnbHbIE CPERCTBA A3bIKA 1) nporma 2) aeropckwe Heonormambl 3) cpasHeHue 4) CHHTaKCH4ecKHi napannenu3M 5) OKCIOMOPOH 6) KoHTeKCTHble aHTOHMMbI 7) Merapopa 8) anupopa 9) puropineckui sonpoc B) O6naka noxoxu Hã ATHRT __ (B. M. Tyurrosa) (A. A. AxuaroBa) : Ibiumbili, ropon beambil (A. C. flyukith) Boreere sanwulu nocnegosaren bHOCTS LIMOD, Koropas coorsercrsyer 6yx8aM 8 nop ABB/A (npwwep sanuch oreera: 13579)
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