

1. Arguably helpful 5. Too stressful 2. Too many distractions 6. Extra-curricular over load 3. A better system 7. Too much homework 4. The wrong goal 8. Poor co-ordination A. My problem with homework is that I am rather fond of TV and computer games Every evening after school it is the same. I start with the highest intentions. I'll just play one round of Final fantasy and then begin. But it tends to be three rounds and then tea time .Oh-and then my favourite program begins in 10 minutes so I'll start after that, And so it goes on Probably I lack motivation. B. It is so much faster doing homework these days. All our assignments can be done on the PC which means correcting and changing things is so easy But of course the Internet is the biggest shortcut of all. Maybe it's true what they say that it stops you reading textbooks. You get snatches of information rather than the whole story Maybe I should try to use the internet less. C. I am a drummer and a pianist.The school really encourages this and I have two one hour lessons a week plus one to two hours daily practice .I am in the basketball team. The school encourages this and we practice twice a week . I got picked to be in the school play. Rehearsals are two hours a week. Will somebody please tell me when I am supposed to get my homework done? D. Exam practice, constant revision, exam techniques and how to get the highest possible grade-is this what education is supposed to be about? The school seems obsessed with grades and the school results league table. We are currently 17th highest achievers in England but if we really try hard this year we might make top 10 Silly me! I thought education was about learning and preparing for adult life. E. For some kids exams bring more pressure than they can cope with. They worry about what their parents will say, not to mention what their teachers or class mates will think. No wonder some of them freeze up in the exam hall and are unable to write anything out of sheer nerves. F. Why do they do it? We get three weeks in a row with minimal homework and then every teacher in the school sets a massive assignment to be completed "by next Friday-no late submissions". Why don't they get together and try and even the load? G. I think Continuous Assessment is a very sensible idea. Education should not simply be about slick exam performance, but about overall how you perform in school-how you study, how much you read, how logical and clear your essay arguments are. 50% of our final grading should be based on course work. I think it is fair.


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1. Arguably helpful - G. I think Continuous Assessment is a very sensible idea. Education should not simply be about slick exam performance, but about overall how you perform in school, how you study, how much you read, how logical and clear your essay arguments are. of our final grading should be based on course work. I think it is fair.2. Too many distractions - A. My problem with homework is that I am rather fond of TV and computer games Every evening after school it is the same. I start with the highest intentions. I'll just play one round of Final fantasy and then begin. But it tends to be three rounds and then tea time. Oh-and then my favourite program begins in 10 minutes so I'll start after that, And so it goes on. Probably I lack motivation.3. A better system - F. Why do they do it? We get three weeks in a row with minimal homework and then every teacher in the school sets a massive assignment to be completed "by next Friday - no late submissions". Why don't they get together and try and even the load?4. The wrong goal - D. Exam practice, constant revision, exam techniques and how to get the highest possible grade--is this what education is supposed to be about? The school seems obsessed with grades and the school results league table. We are currently 17th highest achievers in England but if we really try hard this year we might make top 10. Silly me! I thought education was about learning and preparing for adult life.5. Too stressful - E. For some kids exams bring more pressure than they can cope with. They worry about what their parents will say, not to mention what their teachers or classmates will think. No wonder some of them freeze up in the exam hall and are unable to write anything out of sheer nerves.6. Extra-curricular over load - C. I am a drummer and a pianist. The school really encourages this and I have two one hour lessons a week plus one to two hours daily practice. I am in the basketball team. The school encourages this and we practice twice a week. I got picked to be in the school play. Rehearsals are two hours a week. Will somebody please tell me when I am supposed to get my homework done?7. Too much homework - B. It is so much faster doing homework these days. All our assignments can be done on the PC which means correcting and changing things is so easy. But of course the Internet is the biggest shortcut of all. Maybe it's true what they say that it stops you reading textbooks. You get snatches of information rather than the whole story. Maybe I should try to use the internet less.8. Poor co-ordination - H. Why do they do it? We get three weeks in a row with minimal homework and then every teacher in the school sets a massive assignment to be completed "by next Friday - no late submissions". Why don't they get together and try and even the load?