

THE LA W OF T HE TH REE S TAGES W IAS DISC OVERE D BY Select one: Hans R eichenbach Auguste Comte Otto Neurath Pierre Duhem


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The correct answer is Auguste Comte.The Law of the Three Stages was discovered by Auguste Comte, a French philosopher who is considered the founder of sociology. The Law of the Three Stages is a theory that describes the development of human knowledge and thought.According to Comte's theory, human knowledge and thought progress through three stages:1. The Theological Stage: In this stage, people explain natural phenomena and events in terms of supernatural forces or deities. This stage is characterized by a belief in a divine or supernatural power that controls the universe.2. The Metaphysical Stage: In this stage, people attempt to explain natural phenomena and events in terms of abstract concepts or ideas, rather than supernatural forces. This stage is characterized by a focus on philosophical and metaphysical explanations.3. The Positive Stage: In this stage, people explain natural phenomena and events in terms of observable and measurable facts, rather than abstract concepts or supernatural forces. This stage is characterized by a focus on empirical evidence and scientific explanations.Comte's Law of the Three Stages is an important concept in the field of sociology and has influenced the development of various social sciences.