TI Ere Is an Od Var Iant in the Right Column! 3. M Atch the W Ords in the Left Columr with the Words in the Right Column. 1) M Ke Goes


TI ere is an od var iant in the right column! 3. M atch the w ords in the left columr with the words in the right column. 1) M ke goes to school __ 2) It snows __ 3)I we nt to the cou ntrv __ 4) T here was a on TV __ 5) I do not ge t up early.. __ a) on Sun dav. b)vesterday. C)next week. d) six davs a week. e) in winter. f)last summer.


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1) Mike goes to school. - d) six days a week.2) It snows - e) in winter.3) I went to the country - b) yesterday.4) There was a good film on TV - f) last summer.5) I do not get up early - a) on Sunday.