the unesco universal declaration on bioethies and human rights, afficle 12-respect for cultural diversity and pluralism the importance


The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethies and Human Rights, Afficle 12-Respect for cultural diversity and pluralism The importance of cultural diversity and pluralism should be given due regard. However, such considerations are not to be invoked to infringe upon human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms nor upon the principles set out in this Declaration, nor to limit their scope. The Universal Declaration on Caltural Diversity adopted (2001), proclaims that: "The defence of cultural diversity is an ethical imperative, inseparable from for human dignity. It implies a commitment to human rights and fundamental freedoms. 12 particular the rights of persons belonging to minorities. No one may invoke cultural diversity to infringe upor human rights guaranteed by international law, nor limit their scope." There is not one absolute standard for all times and all human beings. No one has the whole or only truth: tolerance and the ability to say 'I may be wrong' as well as to see and understand the truth in the other's opinion are central to the ethics of discussion, which is at the core of bioethics.Pluralism ought, therefore, to be part of bioethics in its task of prescribing how science may be applied for the good and welfare of the individual, as well as defining the limits of the permissible. Nevertheless , pluralism of culture and values, religious and philosophical perspectives impacts and colours the principles of bioethics. Full autonomy, in some cultures can be seen as limited by various considerations of collective good. Without violating the principle that 'the interests and welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of science or society'(Article 3(b) of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights), many would agree that, confronted by a pandemic spread of disease , measures such as quarantine or obligatory mass vaccination may be needed, leading to inevitable limitations of freedom and autonomy. How far benefits (beneficence) for the collectivity. rather than solely for the individual, may be allowed to extend is still part of many debates, for example on the limits of genetic screening and selection, or internment of certain psychiatric patients. Refusing euthanasia requested by patients suffering from terminal diseases may be viewed as infringing on their autonomy. Offering certain drug treatments or surgery that entail high risks may conflict with non-maleficence . Plastic surgery to comply with societal fashion may sometimes raise questions about therapeutic aims. The bioethical principles of justice and equality are often subject to local economic variables, be it in capitalistic societies (inequity in health insurance; restricting treatments for old age, e.g.dialysis) or in developing countries (lack of means). is respect of cultural diversity and pluralism important?Explain by examples. Q 2. Why they should it is part of the Universal Declaration on Bioethies and Human Rights? Explain by examples


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Respect for cultural diversity and pluralism is important in bioethics because it recognizes that different cultures and societies have different values, beliefs, and practices. By acknowledging and respecting these differences, bioethics can better address the needs and concerns of diverse populations and ensure that ethical decisions are culturally sensitive and appropriate.For example, in the context of end-of-life care, different cultures may have varying beliefs about the sanctity of life and the acceptance of euthanasia or assisted suicide. Respecting cultural diversity would involve acknowledging and accommodating these differences, rather than imposing a single, universal standard. Similarly, in the context of genetic screening and selection, different cultures may have varying beliefs about the importance of genetic diversity and the potential risks and benefits of genetic modification. Again, respecting cultural diversity would involve acknowledging and accommodating these differences, rather than imposing a single, universal standard.The Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights recognizes the importance of cultural diversity and pluralism by stating that "the defence of cultural diversity is an ethical imperative, inseparable from the respect for human dignity." This means that the declaration acknowledges that cultural diversity is an important aspect of human dignity and should be respected and protected in ethical decision-making. By incorporating cultural diversity and pluralism into its principles, the declaration aims to ensure that bioethics is culturally sensitive and appropriate, and that ethical decisions are made in a way that respects and promotes human dignity.