4. Make up the Latin dictionary form of one-word terms with the following meaning. a condition in which the amount of gastric juice is lessened; acute inflammation of the gray matter of the brain.an accumulation of pus in the pericardium; a discharge of pus; a disturbance of color vision when everything appears yellow; an excessive flow of milk; any fluid that has passed through the membrane of the skin; a watery effusion into the cavity of a joint; inflammation in the nail fold; inflammation of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus:inflammation of the liver;narrowing or stricture of the duct of the lacrimal gland;profuse discharge of mucous fluid from the nose; the presence of air or gas within a thorax; the presence of blood in the tympanic cavity; a sudden blocking of a blood vessel.usually an artery, by the emboli; the presence of blood in the urine 5. Give the Latin dictionary form and


4. Make up the Latin dictionary form of one-word terms with the following meaning.
a condition in which the amount of gastric juice is lessened; acute inflammation of the
gray matter of the brain.an accumulation of pus in the pericardium; a discharge of pus;
a disturbance of color vision when everything appears yellow; an excessive flow of
milk; any fluid that has passed through the membrane of the skin; a watery effusion into
the cavity of a joint; inflammation in the nail fold; inflammation of the inner mucous
membrane of the uterus:inflammation of the liver;narrowing or stricture of the duct of
the lacrimal gland;profuse discharge of mucous fluid from the nose; the presence of air
or gas within a thorax; the presence of blood in the tympanic cavity; a sudden blocking
of a blood vessel.usually an artery, by the emboli; the presence of blood in the urine
5. Give the Latin dictionary form and

4. Make up the Latin dictionary form of one-word terms with the following meaning. a condition in which the amount of gastric juice is lessened; acute inflammation of the gray matter of the brain.an accumulation of pus in the pericardium; a discharge of pus; a disturbance of color vision when everything appears yellow; an excessive flow of milk; any fluid that has passed through the membrane of the skin; a watery effusion into the cavity of a joint; inflammation in the nail fold; inflammation of the inner mucous membrane of the uterus:inflammation of the liver;narrowing or stricture of the duct of the lacrimal gland;profuse discharge of mucous fluid from the nose; the presence of air or gas within a thorax; the presence of blood in the tympanic cavity; a sudden blocking of a blood vessel.usually an artery, by the emboli; the presence of blood in the urine 5. Give the Latin dictionary form and


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a. Hypogastric: Pertaining to the region below the stomach.<br />b. Hypogastralgia: Pain in the region below the stomach.<br />c. Hypogastric region: The region of the abdomen located below the stomach.<br />d. Hypogastric artery: An artery that supplies blood to the region below the stomach.<br />e. Hypogastric vein: A vein that drains blood from the region below the stomach.<br /><br />Please note that these terms are not commonly used in medical practice and are not found in standard medical dictionaries. They are provided here for educational purposes only.
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