
8. Administrative arrest is imposed for the term of: a)up to 48 hours; b) fifteen days; c) thirty days for the violation of requirement.; of the state of emergency or the regime in the zone where counterterroris operations are performed; d) two months; e) 90 days. 9. The administrative offence case must be considered by the competent body or the official within: a) two months (judicially); c) 15 days (administratively); d) 30 days (administratively). 10. The subjects of administrative offence are: a) a person who have reached the age of 16 by the time of committing the administrative offence; b) a persons who have reached the age of 14 by the time of committing the administrative offence; c) legal entities. 11. The administrative fine must be paid within the period of: a) sixty days from the date when the ruling on the administrative fine imposition came into legal force; b) sixty days from the expiration date of the deferment or the installment plan; c) sixty days from the date of presenting the ruling on the administrative fine; d) one year from the date when the ruling on the administr.tive fine imposition came into legal force. e) for traffic-related offences (except for gross violations), the amount of the administrative fine will be half the amount of the imposed fine if paid within 20 days from the date of the ruling on the administrative fine imposition 12. Features of administrative offence are: a) social danger; b) unlawfulness; c) culpability; d) punishability. 13. Agree or disagree with the proposal: <<Administrative penalties are measures of administrative liability and are imposed for crimes>> a) yes b) no 14. The commission of actions that violate the silence and rest of citizens __ (and on weekends and non-working holidays established by federal legislation from 22 o'clock to 8 o'clock) entails a warning or imposition of an admi nistrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles. a) from 23 o'clock to 7 o'clock; b) from 22 o'clock to 6 o'clock; c) from 20 o'clock to 8 o'clock. 15. Construction and installation, construction and repair works in the apartment buildings from 21 hours to 23 hours entails: a) a warning b) an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to five hundred rubles c) an administrative arrest 16. Agree or disagree with the proposal: <<Administrative fine the most frequently imposed administrative penalty for administrative offences>> b) no
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8. c) thirty days for the violation of requirement of the state of emergency or the regime in the zone where counterterroris operations are performed;<br />9. c) 15 days (administratively);<br />10. a) a person who have reached the age of 16 by the time of committing the administrative offence;<br />11. a) sixty days from the date when the ruling on the administrative fine imposition came into legal force;<br />12. d) punishability;<br />13. b) no;<br />14. a) from 23 o'clock to 7 o'clock;<br />15. b) an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to five hundred rubles;<br />16. a) yes.
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