
Unite 10. Non -discrimination and stigmatization Read the text and answer the questions The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Ri_(e) his Article 11-Non-discrimination and non-stigmatization Mo individual or group should be discriminated against or stigmutized on any grouras in viol/;ion of human dignity human rights and fundamental freedoms. Discrimination is the act of treating a person differently -negatively or positively because of that person's race, class, sexual orientation or gender or any other group to which that person belongs, rather than assessing individual needs and merits Stigmatization means individuals who are shamed, bullied or discriminated against based on preconceived judgments of their appearance, disabilities or lifestyles are victims of stigmatization. Stigmatized individuals fall outside the society definition of (normal "Examples include prostitutes, mental patients, drug addicts or people with physical deformities. Article 7 of the International Declaration on Human Genetic Data (2003) provides that: a. Every effort should be made to ensure that human a. genetic data and human proteomic data are not used for purposes that discriminate in a way that is intended to infringe, or has the effect of infringing, human rights, fundamenta freedoms or human dignity of an individual or for purposes that lead to the stigmatizAtion of an individual, a family, a group or communities. b. b. In this regard appropriate attention should be paid to the findings of population-based genetic studies and behavioural genetic studies and their interpretations. The principle of Article 11, however, will also give guidance to the resolution of a wider range of bioethical issues. In the context of research for example, the selection of research subjects should not be influenced by a belief that members of a given group are less deserving of protection from the risks associated with research than others. Public health measures should be designed primarily on the basis of a risk/benefi t analysis, rather than undertaken for the benefit of one group to the exclusion of another which also faces the same or a similar health risk Article 11 is, of course relevant to the consideration of any measures designed to address gender selection in the application of assisted human reproduction procedures or pre-natal ress gender The guidance provided by Article 11 should lead the media to exercise care in contextualizing the findings of genetic studies in order to avoid stigmatization of population groups. In these and other situations, however, it is important to recall that not all distinctions amount to a yiolation of human dignity, human rights or fundamental freedoms. Distinctions based upon accepted scientific evidence may be justified. For example, the projected trend in the development of designer drugs to match particular genotypes may be well as a means of their effectiveness or reducing their risks Care must be taken however, to avoid the systematic development of medicines for one group within the population while neglecting the needs of others Equally, public health measures that correctly target the at-risk population would not likely be considered to violate their human rights, but the neglect of a population group's health risk on a prohibited ground of discrimination, such as race or sex,would likely do so. Q1.What is the meaning of discrimination? Explain in the base of the article. Q 2.What is the of stigmatization? Explain in the base of the article. Q 3. How are inequalities used in real life?
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Q1. Discrimination, as mentioned in the article, refers to the act of treating a person differently, either negatively or positively, based on their race, class, sexual orientation, gender, or any other group they belong to, rather than assessing their individual needs and merits. It involves making distinctions between individuals or groups based on certain characteristics, rather than considering each person as an individual with their own unique qualities and circumstances.<br /><br />Q2. Stigmatization, according to the article, refers to the shaming, bullying, or discrimination directed towards individuals based on preconceived judgments of their appearance, disabilities, or lifestyles. Stigmatized individuals are often viewed as falling outside the societal definition of "normal." This can lead to social exclusion, discrimination, and negative stereotypes associated with certain groups of people.<br /><br />Q3. Inequalities in real life can manifest in various ways, such as unequal access to resources, opportunities, and services based on factors like race, gender, socioeconomic status, or disability. For example, certain groups may face discrimination in employment, education, healthcare, and other areas, leading to disparities in outcomes and experiences. Inequalities can also arise in the context of bioethics, where certain groups may be disproportionately affected by genetic data discrimination or stigmatization. It is important to recognize and address these inequalities to promote fairness, justice, and equal treatment for all individuals.
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