
1) When was bookcrossing created? 2)Who began the practice of bookcros sing? 3)What is bookc rossing? 4)W hat is the aim of bookcros sing .com? 5) Who can be a me mber of bookcrossin g.com? 6)What do the members of the site do? 2) Read this review to learn about book crossing . Answer the following questions while reading the review.(reading for specific information) Love Your Books?Then Set Them Free! Review by nick yturnill -written on 09 .03.06 Rating:xxxx (5 of 5 possible stars) In Se ptember 2005 I read a review about book crossing. I was very inte rest ed and joined immediately I am an activ e me mber of boo kci cossing.com.a free online book club .Boo kcrossing site was created in Apri 12001 by Ror Hornbaker and since ther it has grown into a global movement.Bookcrossing has already entered the Oxford Eng lish Dic tionary where it is defined as practic of leaving a boo kin a public place to be pick ed up an read bvot hers.who then do the same." The term is originated from the websi te bookcross- ing.com which bega n and encouraged the practice. Book cr ossing..com's aim is to "make the whole world a library." On the sit e 500 .000 members from different countries of the world share books and discuss them . About 4 million books hav e been regis tered on the site now. It makes it very un likelv that you wo n't find what you
4.3231 голоса

Экспертная проверка
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1) Книжная обменная сеть была создана в апреле 2001 года.<br />2) Практику книжного обмена начал Рон Хорнбейкер.<br />3) Книжная обменная сеть - это практика оставлять книгу в общественном месте, чтобы кто-то другой взял её и прочитал, а затем оставил свою книгу в том же месте для другого человека.<br />4) Цель сайта bookcrossing.com - сделать весь мир библиотекой.<br />5) На сайте bookcrossing.com могут быть участниками люди из разных стран мира.<br />6) Участники сайта обмениваются книгами и обсуждают их.
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