
7. Give the dictionary form of the nouns in the Nominativus Plurãlis;translate them into English: Palpebrae, tubera retia ganglia, cornua labia vasa meninges dentes processus juncturae, alveoli,sinus , musculi cartilagines , canales , partes , arteriae. rami,, aures , radices tuberositates. alae , venae 8. Give the dictionary form of the nouns in the Genitivus Pluralis; translate them into English: capsulãrum, faciērum. angulõrum, digitõrum, arteriārum plexuum, foraminum, cavõrum, ligamentorum , gingivãrun 1, arcuum processuum,canalium , palpebrãrum,
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7. Dictionary form of the nouns in the Nominativus Plurals and their English translations:<br /><br />Palpebrae - eyelids<br />Tubera - tubercles<br />Retia - networks<br />Ganglia - ganglia<br />Cornua - horns<br />Labia - lips<br />Vasa - vessels<br />Meninges - meninges<br />Dentes - teeth<br />Processus - processes<br />Juncturae - joints<br />Alveoli - alveoli<br />Sinus - sinuses<br />Musculi - muscles<br />Cartilagines - cartilages<br />Canales - canals<br />Partes - parts<br />Arteriae - arteries<br />Rami - branches<br />Aures - ears<br />Radices - roots<br />Tuberositates - tuberosities<br />Alae - wings<br />Venae - veins<br /><br />8. Dictionary form of the nouns in the Genitivus Pluralis and their English translations:<br /><br />Capsularum - of the capsules<br />Faciērum - of the faces<br />Angulorum - of the angles<br />Digitōrum - of the fingers<br />Arteriārum - of the arteries<br />Plexuum - of the plexuses<br />Foraminum - of the foramina<br />Cavōrum - of the cavities<br />Ligamentorum - of the ligaments<br />Gingivārum - of the gums<br />Arcuum - of the arcs<br />Processuum - of the processes<br />Canalium - of the canals<br />Palpebrārum - of the eyelids
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