
Question Three __ A) Explain following types of learning i) Memorization (2 marks) ii) Incidental learning (2 marks) iii) Repetition and Practice (2 marks) iv) Trial and error (2 marks) b) Outline FOUR reasons why people forget what they have learnt (4 marks) c) Identify FOUR conditions necessary for efficient learning (4 marks) d) With the use of examples, explain TWO components of long-term memory (4 marks) e) State FOUR types of partial reinforcement schedules frodion: (4 marks) f) Explain TWO methods of modifying behaviour reintor mem (6 marks) Question Two a) Discuss FIVE ways a teacher can use to descre tere memory fimong learners. (10 marks) b) Explain FTVE ways in which individual differences influence learning. (10 marks) EPSC 223 a) Explain FIVE factors necessary for effective transfer of learning to occur (10 marks) b) Discuss the application of the social learning theory in a classroom education (10 marks) Question Four a) Explain FOUR conditions necessary for effective modelling in social learning theory
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Question Three:<br />a) Explain following types of learning:<br />i) Memorization: Memorization is the process of encoding information into memory for later retrieval. It involves repeating information over and over again until it becomes automatic. This type of learning is often used for rote memorization, such as memorizing a poem or a phone number.<br /><br />ii) Incidental learning: Incidental learning occurs when individuals acquire new knowledge or skills without intentionally trying to learn them. It happens spontaneously through everyday experiences and interactions. For example, learning a new word while reading a book or picking up a new skill by watching someone else perform it.<br /><br />iii) Repetition and Practice: Repetition and practice involve repeating a behavior or task multiple times to strengthen the connection between the behavior and the desired outcome. This type of learning is commonly used in skill acquisition, such as learning to play a musical instrument or mastering a sport.<br /><br />iv) Trial and error: Trial and error is a method of learning by experimenting with different approaches until finding the most effective solution. It involves trying different strategies, observing the outcomes, and adjusting the approach based on the results. This type of learning is often used in problem-solving and decision-making processes.<br /><br />b) Outline FOUR reasons why people forget what they have learnt:<br />1. Lack of retrieval cues: When people forget information, it is often because they lack the cues or triggers that help them retrieve the information from memory. Without these cues, it becomes difficult to access the stored information.<br /><br />2. Interference: Interference occurs when new information interferes with the retrieval of previously learned information. This can happen in both short-term and long-term memory. For example, learning a new phone number can make it harder to remember an old one.<br /><br />3. Decay: Decay refers to the gradual fading of memories over time. If a person does not use or retrieve the information regularly, it may gradually weaken and eventually be forgotten. This is why it's important to review and practice learned material periodically.<br /><br />4. Retrieval failure: Retrieval failure occurs when a person is unable to access the information stored in memory, even with the presence of cues or triggers. This can happen due to various factors, such as stress, distractions, or a lack of connection between the retrieved information and the current context.<br /><br />c) Identify FOUR conditions necessary for efficient learning:<br />1. Attention: Attention is crucial for efficient learning as it allows individuals to focus on the information being presented. Without attention, the information may not be effectively encoded into memory.<br /><br />2. Motivation: Motivation plays a significant role in learning as it drives individuals to engage with the material and persist in their efforts. When learners are motivated, they are more likely to actively participate and apply themselves to the learning task.<br /><br />3. Practice and repetition: Practice and repetition help reinforce the learned material and strengthen the connections between the information. This repetition aids in the consolidation of memory and makes it easier for individuals to retrieve the information later.<br /><br />4. Feedback: Feedback provides individuals with information about their performance and helps them identify areas for improvement. Constructive feedback can guide learners to make necessary adjustments and enhance their learning outcomes.<br /><br />d) With the use of examples, explain TWO components of long-term memory:<br />1. Declarative memory: Declarative memory, also known as explicit memory, involves the conscious recall of facts and events. It includes information that can be consciously retrieved and declared, such as knowledge about a person's name or the capital of a country. For example, knowing that Paris is the capital of France is a piece of declarative memory.<br /><br />2. Procedural memory: Procedural memory, also known as implicit memory, involves the unconscious recall of skills and procedures. It includes motor skills, habits, and procedures that are performed automatically without conscious thought. For example, riding a bicycle or playing a musical instrument are examples of procedural memory.<br /><br />e) State FOUR types of partial reinforcement schedules:<br />1. Fixed-ratio schedule: In a fixed-ratio schedule, reinforcement is provided after a fixed number of responses. For example, a factory worker might receive a bonus for every 100 units produced.<br /><br />2. Variable-ratio schedule: In a variable-ratio schedule, reinforcement is provided after a variable number of responses. For example, slot machines in casinos operate on a variable-ratio schedule, providing reinforcement (winning) after an unpredictable number of lever pulls.<br /><br />3. Fixed-interval schedule: In a fixed-interval schedule, reinforcement is provided after a fixed amount of time has passed. For example, receiving a paycheck every two weeks is an example of a fixed-interval schedule.<br /><br />4. Variable-interval schedule: In a variable-interval schedule, reinforcement is provided after a variable amount of time has passed. For example, receiving a compliment from a supervisor at random times throughout the day is an example of a variable-interval schedule.<br /><br />f) Explain TWO methods of modifying behavior:<br />1. Positive reinforcement: Positive reinforcement involves the addition of a desirable stimulus to increase the likelihood of a behavior occurring again. For example, giving a child a treat for completing their homework
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