- The mechanism of action of antidiuretic hormone is realized: Bbl6epuTe oguH OTBeT: a. due to the incorporation of proteases into the membranes of tubular epithelial cells b. due to the incorporation of aquaporins into the epithelial cell membranes of the tubules c. due to the activation of energy r-consuming water reabsorption processes d. due to an increase in the hydrostatic pressure of the intratubular fluid
- The normal number of red blood cells in the blood of men from the values listed below corresponds to: Bbl6epuTe oAMH OTBeT: a 10-15thousand/mm3 b 10-15times 106/L c 180-400times 106/L d 4-5times 1012/L
- The functions of the midbrain include: Bbl6epuTe ofMH OTBeT: a. Maintenance of muscle tone b. Speech Center c. Visual center d. Swallowing Center
- The negative feedback in the hypothalamic-pituitary system consists in the action of pituitary hormones Bbl6epuTe ofluH OTBeT: a. inhibiting the peripheral gland b. stimulating the peripheral gland c. inhibiting the hypothalamus d. stimulating the hypothalamus
- Under comfortable temperature, in a human Bbl6epute ofluH OTBeT: a. heat loss is the lowest b. heat production is carried out at a high level c. heat production does not carried out d. heat loss is carried out at a high I level
Помощь с домашним заданием по биологии
Самая сложная часть изучения биологии — как помочь учащимся понять микроскопический мир биологии, как проникнуть внутрь клеток и исследовать гены и молекулы. Однако с развитием информационных технологий помощь в выполнении домашних заданий по биологии может сыграть важную роль, когда ни слова, ни изображения не могут полностью объяснить вопросы биологии.
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