- 5. Les caractères généraux des vaisseaux sanguins Le système circulatoire humain est composé de trois types de vaisseaux sanguins: les'artères, les veines et les capillaires. Une artère est- __
- 4. The mycelium of Molds can be characterized by which of the following statements: 1-it consists of hyphae 2-it can be divided into aerial and vegetative parts 3-its aerial part is responsible for fluff appearance of a colony 4-it may possess septae
- 2. Which of the following sentences can character diarrheagenic E.coli? 1. They have a specific antigenic structure 2. They are lactose -negative 3. They may contain plasmids of virulence 4. They are non-motile aaulated in the Kligler iron agar.
- 15. Which of the following microbes fail to form cell wall under environmental factors? 1-Mycobacterium sp 2-Mycoplasma sp 3-Candida sp 4-L-forms
- 2. Protozoa can be described by which of the following statements: They 1-are Eukaryotes 2-can reproduce by binary fission 3-are stained by Romanowsky -Giemsa met 4-have 70S ribosomes
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