- What is the apex of the medullary cone of the spinal cord below the second lumbar vertebra represented by? a. Equine tail. b. Spinal nerve; c. Terminal thread;
- Bonpoc 13 What shape is the inferior cerebellar peduncle? a.Pyramidal shape; b . Semicircular thickening; c. Conical shape.
- What are the names of the receptors that receive stimulatior from changes in the chemical composition of the internal environment of the body? a . Proprioceptors. b . Exteroceptors; C . Interoreceptors;
- Bonpoc 10 What connects the medial surfaces of the thalamus? a. Fornix. b . Commissure , interthalamic fusion; C . Peduncles of the midbrain;
- From which part of the brain are the optic vesicles formed? a. From the lateral walls of the medulla oblongata. b. From the anterior part of the diencephalon; c. From the lateral I walls of the diencephalon;
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