- SECTIONS OF THE BRONCHIAL TREE THAT DO NOT CONTAIN CARTILAGE IN THEIR WALLS 1) ductuli alveolares 2) alveoli pulmonis 3) bronchiola respiratoria 4) bronchiola terminalis square
- ANATOMICAL STRUCTURES OF THE NEPHRON 1) renal corpuscle 2) tubulus contortus distalis 3) ansa nephroni 4) tubulus contortus proximalis square
- Name the organs located anteriorly from the abdominal part of the aorta? inferior vena cava: the pancreas; the root of the mesentery of the small intestine; the duodenum.
- 3. Describe the clinical signs and consequences of the genetic deficiency of glucose-6- phosphate dehydrogenase. __
- In humans, the absence of sweat glands is a recessive gene. It's located on the X- chromosome. Rh- factor (R) is an autosomal gene. Both parents are healthy and Rh-positive. They have got a baby with the absence of sweat glands and Rh- negative. Solve this task and give diagram. Determine the genotype of each parent and the genotypes and phenotypes of all babies in this family. What is the probability that this couple will have babies suffering from this disorder -the absence of sweat glands'Indicate their genotypes.
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