- What anatomical formations connect the hemispheres of the large brain? Bbl6epuTe oạMH OTBer: a. posterior spike of the brain b. spike of the arch c. spike of the leashes d. associative hearing center
- The bacteriostatic function of bile is realized through Bbl6epuTe oz/MH OTBeT: a. emulsification of fats and stimulation of absorption of fat hydrolysis products b. excretion of bile pigments and cholesterol c. suppression of pathogenic microflora activity d. inactivation of lipase
- Parathyroid hormone is synthesized in Bbl6epuTe oạMH OTBeT: a. adrenal glands b. pituitary gland c. thyroid gland d. parathyroid glands
- Aldosterone in: Bbl6epuTe oạMH OTBer: a. ascending limb of the nephron loop enhances sodium and potassium reabsorption b. . distal convoluted tubule enhances sodium and potassium reabsorption C. . ascending nephron loop enhances sodium reabsorption and potassium secretion d. distal convoluteo I tubule enhances sodium reabsorption and potassium secretion
- 1. Complete the text with a suitable word. ventricles, otria, veno cava suitable wordtory system, plotelets blood, heart, nutrition (1) around to nutrients, beautiful to keep us clot VOCABULARY The heard The circulatory system is an important part of our body-his system __ healthy. The __ (2) is the main organ __ (a) and __ (3) all and night. It has four parts __ (5) small ones called Two large veins, called the __ (6), bring blood to the heart. The b) an then moves is called __ (9) an heart through the body using vessels like __ (8). These small vessels help bring __ (9) and oxygen to our cells is where tiny Sometimes, if we get a cut, our blood starts to form a __ (10)- helping us heal Keeping called __ (11) come in. They to stop blood our __ (12) healthy is very y help site. Eating well and wing outs can make sure our stays strong.
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