- Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials can arise from all of the following except BulGepure oAMH orber: a. direct application of GABA to neurons b. Increased permeability of the cell membrane to both K+ and Cl-10ns c. Increased permeability of the cell,membrane to Na+ ions d. Increased permeability of the nerve membrane to K+ lons e. Increased permeability of the nerve membrane to Cl- ions
- Aman falls into a deep sleep with one arm under his head This arm is paralyzed when he awakens, but it tingles, and pain sensation in it is still intact. The reason for the loss of motor function without loss of pain sensation is that in the nerves to his arm a. sensory nerves are nearer the bone than motor nerves and hence are less affected by pressure b. A fibers are more sensitive to pressure than C fibers c. Cfibers are more sensitive to pressure than A fibers d. motor nerves are more affected by sleep than sensory nerves e. A fibers are more susceptible to hypoxia than B fibers
- Which of following statements is not correct? An acetylcholine release at a neuromuscular junction Bbl6epure oAMH OTBeT: a. both Cand D are true b. always causes a muscle fiber-to contract c. is followed by rapid destruction of acetylcholine d. increases sodium movement into a muscle cell e. produces an end-plate -potential
- A man falls into a deep sleep with one arm under his head. This arm is paralyzed when he awakens, but it tingles and pain sensation in it is still intact.The reason for the loss of motor function without loss of pain sensation is that in the nerves to his arm BblGepuTe OAMH OTBeT: a. sensory nerves are nearer the bone than motor nerves and hence are less affected by pressure b. A fibers are more sensitive to pressure than C fibers c. C fibers are more sensitive to pressure than A fibers d. motor nerves are more affected by sleep than senson nerves e. A fibers are more susceptible to hypoxia than B fibers
- Which of the following statements about muscle is true? Bbl6epute oAnH OTBeT: a. In all three muscle types dihydropyridine antagonists or blockers increase strength of contraction b. Actin and myosin filaments don participate in contraction of smooth muscles c. In all three muscle types (cardiac skeletal, and smooth) all cells contract as a unit d. In all three muscle types calcium is involved in contraction e. All three muscle types are innervated by the autonomic nervous system
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