- Relatively lower water content per unit mass in: Bbl6epure onnH OTBeT: a. adipose tissue b. skeletal muscles c. liver d. kidneys
- The type of thermoregulation of the human body shell is Bblbepure oAMH OTBer: a. poikilothermic b. warm blooded c. homoeothermic d. heterothermic
- The functional system of maintaining the volume of circulating blood with its increase will trigger self-regulation mechanisms: Bbl6epute oAnH oreer: a. Inclusion of blood buffer systems b. Blood ejection from the depot and vasoconstriction c. Reduction of respiratory parameters and heart.rate d. Blood deposition and vasodilation
- 17. What is a fatty acid donor for LCAT?(specify one or more answers) HDL triacylglycerols free fatty acid HDL phosphatidylcholine cell membranes phospholipids VLDL triacylglycerols
- Fibrinolysis is provided by an enzymatic system that performs: Bbl6epute opuH oTBer: a. Proteolytic cleavage of fibrin b. Restoration of the vascular wall c. Limiting the spread of a blood clot during the process of stopping bleeding d. Maintaining blood in a liquid state due to natural anticoagulants
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