- WHAT IS COMMON TO FOURTH (4 -th) TYPE OF AN ALLERGIC REACTIONS? Bbl6epuTe OLNH WTH HecKonbKO OTBeTOB: a. Sensitizec IT lymphocytes play a leading I role in the pathogenesis b. Start in 6-8 hours c. Start in 20-30 minutes d. The mechanism of development depends ; on lymphokines e. The mechanism of
- WHAT IS COMMON TO THE FIRST TYPE (1-st) OF AN ALLERGIC REACTIONS? Bbl6epuTe OLUH WTV HeCKOJIbKO OTBeTOB: a. In the mechanism of allergy the main role belongs to lymphokines b. A response reveals itself in 24- 48 hours after the repeated contact with the allergen C. Histamine , bradykinin, leukotrienes play the main role in the mechanism of allergic reaction d. A response reveals itself in 15- 20 minutes after the repeated contact with the allergen e. Leading role of IgE in pathogenesis
- THE SINGS THAT CAN SHOW THE PRESENCE : OF INFI -AMMATORY PROCESS IN THE ORGANISM ARE: Bbl6epuTe OLuH WTV HeCKOJIbKO OTBeTOB: a . Leukocytosis b . Increase in ESR C . Thrombosis d. Fever e . Erythrocytosis
- COMPENSATOR)MECHANISMS : OF METABOLIC ACIDOSIS ARE: Bbl6epuTe OLNH WTV HecKoJ]bKO OTBeTOB: a . Activation of acidogenesis and ammoniogenesis in kidneys b. Intensified I urine excretion of bicarbonate by kidneys C. . Entrance of hydrogen-ions into erythrocytes ; in exchange of potassium-ions and into bones in exchange of sodium-ions and calcium-ions d Hyperventilation e. Binding of hydroger ions by proteins ; and bicarbonate buffer
- WHAT CHANGES : IN THE ORGANISM ARE TYPICAL OF ACUTE.-PHASE REACTION? Bbl6epuTe OLUH WTV HeCKOJIbKO OTBeTOB: a . Activation of phagocytosis b . Activation of immune system C . Increase in protein synthesis in muscles d. . Increase in albumin production in liver e. Increase in ACTH production in hypophysis
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