- What documents regulate the production of biological weapons in the world: Bbi6epure opuH orBer: a. 2004 UN Security Council Declaration b. Geneva Protocol of 1955 C. Bacteriological and Toxin Weapons Convention of 1972 d. Cartagena Protocol e. Codex Alimentarius Infectious biological risks include: Bbi6epute ozuH oTBer: a. everything is correct b. epizootics C. pandemics d. local sporadic foci e. epidemics The use of anthra bacillus in bacteriological weapons is due to: Bbi6epute opuHoTBer: a. cultivation conditions b. features of the spores C. its size d. spore formation e. everything is correct
- 20. Choose metabolic pathways using fatty acids (specify one or more answers) catabolism I and energy generating processes gluconeogenesis synthesis of cholestero I ester synthesis of triglycerides synthesis of glycolipids
- Bonpoc 23 What is the function of the medial longitudinal fasciculus? a. An association pathway that connects various nuclei of the eye muscle nerves to each other providing combined movements; b . Responsible for proprioceptive sensitivity; C . Responsible for the pupillary reflex.
- Bonpoc 22 What is located in the terminal section of the central canal of the spinal cord? a . Terminal sinus (sinustermi nalis); b . Terminal ventricle (ventriculusterminalis), C. Central gelatinous substance (substantiagelatinosacentralis)
- What is the function of the superior colliculus of the midbrain? a Subcortica visual centers; b . Subcortical auditory centers; C . Subcortical olfactory centers.
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