- Répondez aux questions suivantes: 1. Donnez la definition du concept <<le systeme économique )>. 2. Quels sont les types essentiels des systemes économiques? 3. Donnez iles caractéristiques de systeme économique traditionnel . Citez les exemples. 4. Quelles sont les caractéristiques de l'économie dirigée (planifiée). Citez les exemples. 5. Donnez les caractéristiques de l'économie de marché . Citez les exemples. 6. Quelles sont les caractéristiques de l'économie mixte . Quels systemes sont classés comme ce type de systeme économique ? 7. Quel type de systemes économiques est basé sur la propriété de l'État et les méthodes de gestion centralisée? 8. Comment s'appelle un systeme économique fonde sur la propriété privée . dont le développement économique est réglé exclusivement par le mécanisme des prix ? 9. Quelle est la forme d'échange de marchandises la plus utilisée?Expliquez la difference entre la valeur d'usage et la valeur d 'échange. 10 . Quelles fonctions accomplit . la monnaie? 11. Le probleme des ressources limitées est-t-il actuel pour l'économie russe/l'économie de votre pays? Expliquez votre réponse. 12. Est-ce que le bien-être de la population peut être assuré que par l'importation des biens de consommations?Expliquez votre réponse. 13. Citez les types de marché d'après les objectifs spécifiques. 14 . Quelles fonctions accomplit le marché?
- Indiquez - Vrai ou Faux ? square square L'économie normative est axée sur l'analyse de la question : <<Qu'est-ce que doit être ?>>. et non pas a une déclaration << Le fait est que ... )) La fonction cognitive mentionne que les gens ont besoin de connaissances de recherches et d'observations à propos de la vie économique : de la société à tous ses niveaux square Les besoins des personnes ne sont pas le moteur d'une économie de marché. La nature doit garantir la disponibilité de tous les biens ou dans les cas extrêmes , 1'État
- a) Explain five benefits of developing a business plan to a business person. (10 marks) b) Describe five reasons why businesses train their employees. (10 marks) QUESTION THREE a) Explain any FOUR forms of business organizations. (8 marks) b) Describe any THREE disadvantages of each. (12 marks) QUESTION FOUR a) Explain any FIVE factors leading to business failure in Kenya today.(10 marks) b) Corporate social responsibility is a necessary evil to any business. Explain FIVE reasons/merits companies should embrace corporate social responsibility. (10 marks) QUESTION FIVE a) Explain any TEN roles played by the government in business. (10 marks) b) Explain any FIVE relevancies of e-commerce in the business today. (10 marks)
- TradeSolutions (ITS). This isa fast-growing business that develops cutting-edge software to facilitate the smooth operation of e-commerce and e-trade transactions within the regional and global marketplace. This is not Mjuzi's first business venture. He has also set up businesses selling herbal teas, selling local gems and arranging boat tours for tourists; all of which failed. He has always been on the lookout for business opportunities. When he started using his hobby of video filming to offer his skills to film companies as a freelance cameraman he quickly developed a very large number of important business contacts. He is now one of the best- known freelance cameramen in Arusha. But ITS is his biggest success by far.He discussed the opportunity to set up a software development company with an old school friend who was trained in software design and development. Mjuzi brought in his marketing skills and contacts to the partnership that they formed. They were also joined by another partner who brought financial skills as well as software design experience. After much success selling software to the Caribbean market, Mjuzi and his business colleagues - who by now have converted ITS into a limited company -plan to provide Page 1 of 2 advanced customized software on a global scale. Mjuzi's vision and that of his other directors is fueled by adrive to succeed and a love for the software development business. They are determined to make ITS one of the big names in the industry. a) Explain any five qualities Mjuzi has that make him a successful entrepreneur. (10 marks) b) Explainany four advantages that Mjuzi gained from setting up ITS with two other partners? (8 marks) c) Discuss any six challenges that face ITS in its aim to become a global software business. (12 marks) QUESTION TWO a) Explain five benefits of developing a business plan to a business person. (10 marks) b) Describe five reasons why businesses train their employees. (10 marks) QUESTION THREE a) Explain any FOUR forms of business organizations. (8 marks) b) Describe any THREE disadvantages of each. (12 marks) QUESTION FOUR a) Explain any FIVE factors leading to business failure in Kenya today.(10 marks) b) Corporate social responsibility is a necessary evil to any business. Explain FIVE reasons/merits companies should embrace corporate social responsibility. (10 marks) QUESTION FIVE a) Explain any TEN roles played by the government in business (10 marks) b) Explain any FIVE relevancies of e-commerce in the business today. (10 marks)
- QUESTION FIVE a) Highlight FOUR differences between goods and services (4 marks) b) Using local examples in Kenya, explain e-commerce business (6 marks) c) Explain FIVE challenges that local businesses experience. (10 marks)
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