- your money.Try to follow your budget successfully. B. Speak about your expenses. What do you usually spend your money on? Does your pocket money cover your expenses? What else would you like to spend your money on? Do you think you often waste money? Do you sometimes save money? What for?
- Circle the correct option to answer the questions. 1 How should you dress before an interview? a) messily b) brilliantly c) smartly 2 How should you shake hands with someone? a) nicely b) firmly c) heavily 3 When should you arrive for an appointment? a) on time b) quickly c) late 4 What shouldn't you avoid.in an interview? a) foot contact b) head contact c) eye contact 5 What should you do before an interview? a) some research b) a job c) the washing What should you show in an interview? a) your CV b) your photos c) enthusiasm
- The Israeli genocide in Gaza and the need of the Palestinian people to aid in Gaza created a potential for trade profits in Egypt. This study attempts to evaluate the impact of the war's period in Gaza since October 2023 on the sales of the wholesale trade sector in the Egyptian market in Sinai region. The study uses monthly data of sales for a sample of 38 food wholesale firms in Sinai region over the months September - December 2023 for each firm A dummy variable taking a value of I after October 2023 and 0 otherwise is used as an indicator for the war period. The sample of firms was not randomly selected since it is based on the response of the firms to cooperate and provide data. The data is analyzed using difference in-difference approach The results indicate that the sales of the selected firms increased by 38% in November compared to September 2023 and by 62% in December compared to September 2023 . What is the research question of this study? a. What is the impact of the war in Gaza on the wholesale sector in Gaza b. What is the impact of the war in Gaza on the humanitarian situation in Gaza c. None of the answers d. What is the impact of the war in Gaza on the wholesale sector in Sinai e. What is the impact of the war in Gaza on the Palestinian people Clear my choice
- This research investigates the economic impact of trade liberalization policies on income distribution within a developing country. Using a combination of household survey data and economic indicators, a regression analysis is conducted to assess the relationship between trade policies and income inequality. The findings suggest a nuanced impact,revealing both positive and negative effects on different segments of the population. What is the source of the data? a. All of the answers. b. Primary c. Secondary d. Primary 8 secondary e. None of the answers.
- This study explores the challenges facing women participation in entrepreneurial activity and looks at the perception status towards women entrepreneurs. The study used both qualitative and quantitative analysis in order to understand the determinants of the problem The qualitative approach is based on interviews and focus groups with Palestinian women entrepreneurs, who are considered as success stories, to explore the challenges they faced in starting and growing their own businesses. The quantitative approach is based on a survey of 1,000 individual where they are asked about the perceptions of individuals on women entrepreneurship The sample was selected in a proportional way to represent the age and gender categories in the population. The study describes the perceptions of the individuals on social,cultural and economic obstacles facing women entrepreneurs, and shows deep negative perception of women entrepreneurship.The quantitative approach of the study is: a. descriptive. b. hypothetical. c. exploratory. d. causal. e. None of the ANSWERS.
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