- 14. Task with choosing several answers from the proposed ones (multiple choice) You are given a History assignment on the study of Roman empires You would like the results to include Marcus Aureleus, one of the Roman emperors You type in Please select at least two options Roman emperors intert marcus suells: Roman emperors intitle marcus aurelus Roman emparons stemacusauelus Roman emperors maicus aurelus
- 2.7 Listen to the audio recording and fill in the gaps with the missing words. donts 1. Steel square first square in Europe in square , mainly because of the shortage of durable wood In some countries. 2. Unlike roadways, U.S. fright rallroads are owned by private organizations that are responsible for their square and square 3. The railway company plans to decommission a few diesel locomotives due to excessive __ square 4. The Stemens Desiro is a family of diesel or electric square passenger trains square by Slemens Mobility. 6. The timely completion of the square work allowed the trains to run to timetable. 6. In modern Europe, there has been a considerable square in the number of square since the mid-1090s. 7. Pullman dining cars square trains to square because they eliminated the need to stop for passenger meals 8. The first square of a square locomotive powered by blocoal was completed on a rallway In West Yorkshire, UK on 14 February 2022. 0. The Queen of The Sea train crash in Sri Lanka was square by the Indian Ocean Tsumaml, which struck In December 2004. It square the worst train disaster in railway history as it square the death of over 1,700 people. "rack and pinlon railway
- 1. O6b9cHure cyrb n npu3HaKu npombiluneHHOU peBonrolunu. Ployemy OHa Ha- 4anacb uMeHHO B eBponeúcku>uneHHblu nepeBopor Ha XU3Hb 0611ecrBa? 3 . MoxHo nu c4MTaTb Poccuro Hayana XIX B. MOHOHaLLIOHanb- naparpaça B noruepxky 4. Ha 4ếM OCHOBbIBanocb 3KOHOMM4eCKOE pasBMTne Poccun Hã pyóexe XVIII-XIX BB.? 5. Onuuure cucremy yripaBneHus CTPaHOM B Ha4ane XIX B.
- Which groups were targeted during the Spanish Inquisition? French Catholics who lived near the border of Spain English and German Protestants Spanish priests who sold indulgences Religious minorities in Spain
- The House of Wisdom housed a library and attracted scholars from around the world who translated texts from the classical world into Arabic. Much ancient knowledge was preserved and the development of Islamic theology, philosophy science and medicine was stimulated. Baghdad was home to many different religious and ethnic communities, such as Christians.Jews, Gnostics and Zoroastrians who regulated their own communal affairs and lived in different areas of the city Many elements of Persian and Egyptian culturo were also adopted. Baghdad and many other cities in this Islamic world were international melting pots that attracted entrepreneurs and intellectuals of many languages, ethnicities, and faiths. Including Jewish astrologers and Christian doctors. https://www.theschoolonn.com/homewor telp/baghdad-c900 Based on the information above, what conclusion can be made about the Arab cities? People living in the Arab Empire were more educated than Europeans. Arab citizens felt superior to inhabitants of other European or Asian cities. Arab cities were a place where people were punished if they tried to impose their culture and beliefs on others. Arab cities attracted many different types of people which lead to the cities being a good place to work and learn
Помощь с домашним заданием по истории
История – предмет, который одним интересен, а другим скучен. В то время как некоторые студенты в восторге от различных событий, сражений и ярких личностей прошлого, другим очень трудно запомнить хронологию сражений, имена влиятельных лидеров и обширную информацию, которую предлагает предмет.
К счастью, благодаря этим вопросам и ответам по истории вам легко вспомнить некоторые важные события и точное время, когда они произошли. Не волнуйтесь слишком сильно, даже если от имен этих ключевых людей у вас закружится голова. В нашей справке по домашним заданиям по истории есть функция ассоциации искусственного интеллекта, которая свяжет их с некоторыми интересными историями, чтобы помочь вам лучше их запомнить.