- Coo6L4eHue <<cpenHew> nuuHOCTV B ee BHyTpeHHev CyLlHOCTU, B ee noBcerHeBHOCT n, KynbT 4yBCTBa TporaTenbHOCl b, 4yBCTBMTembHOCTb , xpenurua cepnua>, ucKaHua uneanbHoro o6pa3a <<>KU3HM BHe LIMBNnu3aunu (Pycco). CTpeMneHue : K ecTecTBeHHOCTM B noBegeHun yenoBeka, TaMHCTBeHHOMY N yXacHoMy,uneanusauna cpenHeBeKOBbA. 4. CTpeMneHue K npaBHuBoMy n3o6paxeHulo TBMTenbHOCTM B npncyunx en mpoTuBope4/18x, B ee noBcepHeBHOCTU, K yacHeHuIo ee 3aKOHOMepHOCTevi. VARen O6LlJecTBeHHOT ) nporpecca , paBeHCTBa, Tpy/na Ha 6naro 06u]ecTBa , npeononeHue HeBeXXecTBa c noMoll]blo pa3yMa. 5.KynbT u36paHHON nu4HocTu , Bocrlpusitue nuteparypbl Kak CaMOBblpa XeHue TBopua, n3o6paxeHue AucrapMoHuM RevicTBMTe/1bHOCTM. Tparn4HOCTb N ncrioBerjanbH lOCTb noBecTBOB HAR, IMpMYHOCTb, repoi - 4enoBeK HeMCTOBbIX CTPaCTeV , nHTennekTyanbHo Bblgenarouynica Hap TOnnoi, Be4HO HerjoBonbHblu okpyxaroujevi ero o6cTaHOBKOM Me4TaTe/IbHC ycTpeMneHHbIV B 6ynyujee, B <MMP He6ecHbIX uZeanoB>). (B. I. 5enuHCKuỷ). A) KnaccuLuM3M 5) poMaHTM3M I) ceHTMMeHTanM3M H) KpuTnueckni peanu3M
- CHAPTER RE VIEW Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list: split up, to retreat , Germanic, barbaric , ploughed, Confessor, Chronicle , Christianity , converting, to en- lighten,bred , worship,ditch , spear, prosecuted , fled, Catholic, Canterbury , shield, Archbishop. 1. Towards the end of the 4^th century Europe was invaded by __ tribes. 2. Britain was invaded by __ tribes called An- gles, Saxons and Jutes. 3. After severe battles with the invaders the Brit- ons were forced __ to the west. 4. Britain __ into seven kingdoms. 5. __ was brought: to Britain from Rome. 6. The first Christians were fiercely __ in Rome. 7. The new Christian religion was called the __ Church. 8. Many British Christians __ to Wales and Ireland, where they built churches and devoted themselves to __ 9. Pope Gregory wanted to spread his influence over England by __ the people to Christianity. 10. The __ of __ is head of the Established Church of England. 11. King Alfred the Great was trying __ the people. 12. The Anglo -Saxon __ is called the first his- tory of England. 13. Round each of their villages Britons made a __ and an earthen wall. 14. The usual weapons of an Anglo-Saxon were a __ and a __ 15. In their villages the Anglo-Saxons __ cows sheep and pigs. 16. The Anglo -Saxons __ the fields and grer wheat, rye and oats. . built during the min
- 1. 3annum co6biTus yka3aHHbIX AaT. a) 1804-1813r __ 6) 25 moHn 1807r. __ B) 20 HOREPA 1805 r. __ r) 1808-1809 r __
- Onpegenure Tun nekcuyeckon OLINKKU B nperjno)KeHun: BCA cTpaHa Bepuna B HeMnHyeMyto no6efy. square HapyuleHue uckaxeHue ppa3eonoru3Ma HapyuleHue nekcnueckon coueraeMocT no HOM OKpacKe CMeLLIeHne napoHuMOB b. Ynorpe6neHue cnoBa 6e3 yuera ero 3Ha4eHuA c. PeyeBaA He LOCTaTO4HOCTb d. CMeLLIeHue napoHuMOB Bbl6op
- CHA PTER REVIEW Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list: split up, to retreat , Germanic, barbaric , ploughed, Confessor , Chronicle , Christianity , converting, to en- lighten,bred , worship, ditch , spear, prosecuted , fled, Catholic , Canterbury, shield , Archbishop. 1. Towards the end of the 4^th century Europe was invaded by __ tribes. 2. Britain was invaded by __ tribes called An- gles, Saxons and Jutes. 3. After severe battles with the invaders the Brit- ons were forced __ to the west. 4. Britain __ into seven kingdoms. 5. __ was brought: to Britain from Rome. 6. The first Christians were fiercely __ in Rome. 7. The new Christian religion was called the __ Church. 8. Many British Christians __ to Wales and Ireland, where they built churches and devoted themselves to __ 9. Pope Gregory wanted to spread his influence over England by 10. The __ of __ is head of the Established
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История – предмет, который одним интересен, а другим скучен. В то время как некоторые студенты в восторге от различных событий, сражений и ярких личностей прошлого, другим очень трудно запомнить хронологию сражений, имена влиятельных лидеров и обширную информацию, которую предлагает предмет.
К счастью, благодаря этим вопросам и ответам по истории вам легко вспомнить некоторые важные события и точное время, когда они произошли. Не волнуйтесь слишком сильно, даже если от имен этих ключевых людей у вас закружится голова. В нашей справке по домашним заданиям по истории есть функция ассоциации искусственного интеллекта, которая свяжет их с некоторыми интересными историями, чтобы помочь вам лучше их запомнить.