- Discovery of Kãpuni.One Sunday morning in 1959, a drill rig at Kǎpuni struck gas at a depth of 4,000 metres. The pressure was such that it forced the drilling mud back up the shaft, plastering the rig and workers with muck Kãpuni was only a moderate-sized gas field by world standards, but it was large enough to meet the country's requirements for gas. Kāpuni gas replaced the gas produced from coal which led to the demise of gas works throughout the country A gas treatment plant was built to reduce the water and carbon dioxide content of the gas before it was reticulated I to users. High-pressure pipelines were laid to take the gas to Wellington and Auckland. The beginning of offshore exploration. By the early 1960s, changes in technology made it possible to explore for oil and gas in shallow offshore waters After passing the Continental Shelf Act in 1964, the New Zealand government began allocating the first offshore exploration licenses. Seismic surveys revealed a number of possible structures, and in early 1969 the ship Discoverer . II was brought to New Zealand to drill the first offshore holes. drill rig-6ypoBas ycTaHOBKa the demise of - npekpameHHe treatment - nepepa6oTKa was reticulated-6bll y30poM allocating the licenses - accHTHOBaHHe IIHIEH3HH surveys - HCC,TezIOBaHHA I. Agree or disagree with the following. 1. A drill rig at Kāpuni struck gas at a depth of 4,000 metres. 2. Kāpuni wasn't large enough to meet the country's requirements for gas. 3. Kãpuni gas replaced the gas produced from coal. 4. A gas treatment plant was built to enlarge the water and carbon dioxide content of the gas. 5. By the early 1960s, changes in technology didn't make it possible to explore for oil and gas in shallow offshore waters. II. Answer the questions. 1. What depth did a drill rig at Kāpuni strike gas at? 2. What gas field was Kāpuni by world standards? 3. What led to the demise throughout the country? 4. What did the New Zealand government begin in 1964? 5. What was brought to New Zealand in early 1969?
- 2 napuait Hi Dambix ppaseo 110zu ucckux obopomos ykatacis me ue. nomo psee ompuuamen bllo xapak mepusyiom vezosexa. a Henene B) Menko manari. b) MyxH He o6wim A)Braneth co6oil. 2. Ilpoumatime mexcm u ykasume mun peuu. TOT ACHb Hà XHISO Kpacusoe. Korna ayas Takoh yapyiounik BWII Ha rophi, 4TO or Hero Tpyino OTOPBaTb B3r715 xpefra rpoMo3:IMilc Hait ropwsowrom, Kax HCHOJHHC Genoro chera partom, s KaKHX-HHOYMb Tpexcrax marax BHAHa H Bepuimwa Kaparay. A)Paccy~KlleHHe, b) Ilogect BoBautiC. B) Ollucanne. 3. cros creayer mucath HellpowsHocumyio cor aacHy10 A) xpa6poe cep __ ue T) 6bitb cBepc __ HHKOM KOMY b) packarènHoe co..Hue (1) ripekpac __ Has nopa B) Moñ poBec __ HUK 4. B KaKOM CHOBE A) 3Kcriep.MeHT B) apr.Julepus b) HHT T) Mar.cTpa/Ib 5. B upucraBkax KaKHX CTOB A) 11 T) pa.IIbLIHTh yno6peHHA b) 6e.BKycHblM HallHTOK II)B.HOMHHTE 7. Haiianre H HcupaBbTe OMHOKH B CBR3H C.TOB A) zupekTop B) Bepallui B nobeny anteku I)y BepeHHOCTE B nooeny 6. no cocraBy paccTullaer 6.IH3KHMH 1103Ha4eHH10 nonympHblH __ 9 BHJ opporpaMMbl A) 6e3y rapHas THacHas B b) uepen FOIIHHECA Tractible B KOpHe CJIOBa. 0.101 HYeCKHII He HaeJIaCb, a B) 6e.xH3HeHHa Cnestaire pa360p C.10Ba no3JuHHY
- Catherine II a introduit la vaccination contre d. la variole c. la tuberculose a. la rougeole b. l'hépatite
- Pierre le Grand a chargé de construire et d'organiser l'hôpital de Moscou pour le médecin c. P.Z. Kondoidi d. M.I. Shein a. P.Z. Kondoidi b. N. Bidloo
- Qui a organisé l'organisation de l'affaire obstétricale et la préparation des sages-femmes scientifiques? d. N. Bidloo b. K.I. Shchepin a. D.S. Samoilovitch c. P.Z. Kondoidi
Помощь с домашним заданием по истории
История – предмет, который одним интересен, а другим скучен. В то время как некоторые студенты в восторге от различных событий, сражений и ярких личностей прошлого, другим очень трудно запомнить хронологию сражений, имена влиятельных лидеров и обширную информацию, которую предлагает предмет.
К счастью, благодаря этим вопросам и ответам по истории вам легко вспомнить некоторые важные события и точное время, когда они произошли. Не волнуйтесь слишком сильно, даже если от имен этих ключевых людей у вас закружится голова. В нашей справке по домашним заданиям по истории есть функция ассоциации искусственного интеллекта, которая свяжет их с некоторыми интересными историями, чтобы помочь вам лучше их запомнить.