- A1. Ilpupoga, B OTMMMMe OT 06111ecTBa 1) uCIIbITbIBaeT BJINAHue 4e/10Be4ecKoi 2) ABJAeTCA cpegon o6uTaHu?4e/10Beka 3) n3MeHReTCA B HaripaBneHuu or Hu3LIero K BbICLIIeMy 4) cnoco6Ha pa3BMBaTbCF He3aBMCHMO OT yenoBeka A2. BepHbI nu cyxgeHua o B3anMOCBA3M cpep 06LlecTBeHHOM XU3HU? A. POCT rocygapcTBeHHbIX accurHoBaHuu Ha npon3BOACTBO HOBbIX BUJOB Boopy>KeHuA ABMRICA ripumepoM CBR3M nonutnyeckoun 3KOHOMM4eCKOM cợpep 0614ecTBa. 5. QuHaHCupoBal the MeLleHaTOM HeatenbHOCT IIpuMepoM CB9311 3KOHOMV YeCKOU HYXOBHON c(pepbl 06Ll]ecTBa 1) BepHO TO/IbKO A 2) BepHO TOIIbKO 5 3) BepHbI O6a CyxpeHuA 06a cy>K_{1eHuA HeBepHbl A3. Kakoe noHaTue xapakTepu3yeT KaK 06LHeCTBO , Tak u npupony? 1) cucTeMa 3) cpopMbl u cnoco6bl nronen 4) 3Tan ncTopn4eckoro pa3BnTua A4. BepHbI JIM : cyxz]eHuA 06 O6L4eCTBeHH oM riporpecce? A. B coBpeMeHHyr o anoxy nporpecc OXBaTUI BCe 06nactu O6L4eCTBeHHOM Ku3Hu. 5 . TpazuLlnoHHOMy O6LllecTBy He CBO VCTBeHeH O6LLIeCTBeHH blu nporpecC. A5. Kakov inpu3Hak ripucyu 06L4eCTBy? 1) pa3BuToe pa6pu4HO e ripon3BOACTBO nponykTa B CerlbcKoM XO3RUCTBe 2) co3/laHue OCHOBHOTO 3) 3aBepueHue TIPOMbILITIeHHOTO nepeBopora NH@ppacTpyKTypa 4) BbICOKOpa3BMTaR A 6. CBO'CTBa n ponu yenoBeka , KoTopble OH npuo6peraer TOJIbKO BO B3anMoneuCTE un c Apyrumu MOAbMM , xapakrepu3yroT ero KaK
- But imagine the surprise and the shock that people felt when they saw the first films in 1895. There was no sound, no colour and the films were very short: they lasted from 60 to 90 seconds! Besides they didn't tell a story. They were episodes of real life: a military parade, a running horse , a boxing match, the ocean __ One of the first films showed a train coming towards the camera.The audience panicked and ran away! The frightened people were sure that the train was coming into the theatre. The early films were shown in music halls theatres, cafes and even shops. Travelling projectionists brought the films to smaller cities and country towns. The cinema became a new form of entertainment It didn't cost a lot of money and . at first, the audience consisted mainly of workers. The rich and intellectual classes ignored it. Gradually films became longer and started to tell stories. As soon as it happened, they began to film the classics. As the industry developed , it created a new phenomenon: the international star . World travel was still slow and difficult in those days, but millions of people in different countries could see the same actors and actresses, for instance, Hollywood stars, at the cinema Their faces, and later their voices, were familiar to people in the countries they never visited. It was an entirely new experience to see a 'star", someone to identify with and love from a distance. The popularity of the cinema led to the first attacks against it Church leaders condemned the new form They thought that the cinema would steal souls and lead people away from religion. Indeed early cinemas looked like temples, and people worshipped their favourite film stars. The era of the talking film began in 1927 with the enormous success of Warner Brothers "The Jazz Singer". The film mostly told its story with subtitles, but it had three songs and a short dialogue. The silent film was dead within a year. The introduction of colour was less revolutionary than the introduction of sound . The silent film soon disappeared , but the black-and-white films are made even today. The most important aspect of the cinema was that, for the price of a ticket, people could dream for a few hours. A little boy could imagine he was a brave cowboy. A lonely girl could imagine she was Scarlett O'Hara in the arms of Rhett Butler. Today, no one disputes cinema's place as the "seventh art! Cinema has produced as many great artists as literature, the theatre, and any of the other arts. 1. The first films were more often documentary ones. T/F/NS 2.The first films were shown in specially built places. T/F/NS 3. Some of the first films made people leave cinema houses. T/F/NS 4.Educated people ignored the cinema because it was too expensive. T/F/NS 5.The first international stars appeared in America. T/F/NS 6. A lot of people stopped going to churches and went to the cinema instead TIF INS 7.The appearance of sound in films was as important as the appearance of colour TIFI NS 8.Most little boys dreamt of being cowboys. T/F/NS
- 35. KameHb MaccoM 200 r 6pocumu rror YTIOM K rOPK3OHTY B mope C OTBeCHOM CKa.Ibl BbICOTOZ 10 M . KaMeHb B nomère BHICOT5I 15 M HaI ypoBHem MODA H yraJI B BOJIV. a) Kakyro pa6ory coBepmaeT CHJIa IBEKeHIM KaMHS BBepx? 6) Karyro pabory coBepriaer cura TSKECTH TIPM IBHXKeHHH KaMHA BHH3? B) Kakyro pa6ory coBepmaeT cura TSIXKECTH 3a BCê BpeMst IIOJIèTa KaMHA?
- Tecrl. bXA 1. Kak Ha3blBaercs kareropus pa6or,npon3Bonumas cuas, cros epenBH KeHHeM, HO 6e3 Qusuveckoro Hanpsixennan 6e3 nonbema u nepenoca TWKecreit, npw 3TOM Ye7OBeK 3arpa umBaer sHeprun He 60.1ee 150KKaJ/4 A). PaGora cpenHe# TNXKECTH; B). Jlerkne pusnueckne pa6oTbl; C). Kareropus III (TSKETble pa6oTbl). 2. Kak Ha3blBaloTC coveranna napamerpor Mukpok:numara, koropble npH A.III TeJIbH OM II CH crem larring ecko M BO3ZEGICTBMH Ha Ye70Beka o6ecneumBaior coxpanemic JIbHOrO C OCTOS HH9 H Tenn OBOT 0 Kompopra ans oprannama? THMble MHKpOKIHMaTWYeCKHE yCHOBHA B). OnTHMaTbHble MHKPOK7 MMaTHYLECKHE YCTOBHR; C). Bpenhble HonacHble MHKPOKIIHMaTNYeCKWe yCIOBMS. 3. He ornyekarounti rok (6-16 MA): cepreuHbIX Mblulu; B). TlapanH3yeT Mblulubl H He no3Bonner yenoBeky OCBOGOLINTECR OF REHCTBMA TOKA; C). Ilpu AnutenbHOM BO3ZeÉCTBHH Hà OpraHK3M yenobeka ocna6eBaer. 4. Kak Ha3biBaeTC a Kareropus pa6oT.npon380211Mas CH18, CTOH HJH CB93aHHas nepe ABWX enne M. HO 6e 3 6e3 nonbema n nepeHOCa TRKECTETH, npN 3TOM 4670BeKK 3arpaunsaer sueprint He 60.ree 220KKan/4 A). Jlerkas kareropas pa6or; B). Pa6ora cpezHe# TwxecTH; C). Taxenas kareropux pa6or. 5. 3.IeKTPNYLeCKHe 3HaKH -3T0: A). CnencrBMe nopaxeHH8 KOXKA YenoBexa 31eKTPMYVECKIN TOKOM B BHILE AHCREPCHbIK MeTanuwyecKHK BKIIOYeHNH; B). KoHTakTHoe nopaxeHHC KONN YenoBeka 3neKTPNYECKH I TOKOM B BHJIe oxoroB; C). O6umpHblN oxor noczle yenoseka nyroBblN pa3pazoM. 6. Ha30BHTe npunumbl Ge3onacHOCTH npHMeHReMble npu ycranoBnemm TILIK BpeanblK BellecTB B pa604eii 30HE: A). KareropupoBaHHK; B) C). Cna6oro 3BeHa. 7. B napaMerpbl MHKPOK.7M nara npon3802cTBeHHbIX A). Tewmepary pa, EnakHOCTh; B). Temneparypa, BnaxKHOCTB;CKOPOCTb IIBWKEHHH BO3ITX3;Hamune HHppakpacHoro H3JYYeHHS. C). Temneparypa, BnakHOCTb,pa6oT, BpeM8 rona; 8. HopMnposaHue u pacver Bblnomusterca c noMOIIIblo: A). HapyXHOH OCBeueHHOCTH; B)eCTECTBEHHOTO OCBellleHNN; 9. Bennyunna kospopuumentra eCTECTBEHNOTO OCBelleHIII AO.THKHA COOTBeTCTBOBaTb: A). CBeToso# xapakrepHCTHK OKOH; B). Paspany 3pwrenbHbIX pa6oT; C). HHzekcy nomeuleHNA. 10. Banger JIM 3arpsi3HeHHOCTb CTeH H TOTOZIKOB Hà OCBellenHOCTE nomements: A). He BllllaeT; B). Bruser; C). Takoã napamerp TIPH OURHKE OCBeLLEHHOCTH HC npHMeHReTCA. 11.MMeer ,III npaso pa6oTHMK BblHOCHTE 3a npenenbl npennpustrus cpencrea A). Ha; B). Tlo oxoHyaHuM pa6oTB BblHOCHTb cpencrea 3anpeueHo. Ans anbHoã 3auIMTbl npenocranneres (B) COOTBeTCTBMH C TPE6OBAHHAMH CTPOHTEMbHbLX HODM II npaBH1) cneumanbHO o6opynosaHHble rapaepo6Hble. C). PexKuM HCTOIb3OBAHNS CH3 ompenenseres npempustrwest;
- 119. Ipounratire reker Kakona ero rema? Ochonuar Mbicnb? FlucbMerino omerore na nonpoc nouemy Hapophibin Kanengapb Ha3bisaercn Maxanna is pasmbix HOMB3OBA/THCb pykonuc- 4Mecruecronamxin, eTha- , a)lymuncamm, aBeramn B OCHOBe neex Mecruecrion), koropui nponoee- Doean xpucruaucknil o6pa3 xu3mm c ero Hpanwiamu u Mopanbio . UMeH- HO Ha STOT Kavienzaph 3HaHusl, onpenenembili oribin cembeli, porrom, HCTOPMIO. Bnpovem Bcerna nHOCH/1 nonpanku B KartenzapHble riperckasaHus. Muorne xpecrbanuekite npHMeTbI He TO/IbKO Myzipbi, nponvularenbHbi, HOSTHYHELB KPCCT bAHCKOM Kartengape ecti noro- garajikM, B KOTOPbIX orpaxena HepaspbiBHas CBM3b annenuni npuportht H TPYZIa, KOTOPbIM XMB wenopek. Bor novemy n Hà- HapormblM. Pycckuit Hapormbil Kartenjapb empe B Havane XX Beka IIMpoko uc- ceituac MHorne o6partarorest K 9TOMy Knake310 3Hammil, B KOTOPOM CKOHILEMYPHPOBaHa BCN XM3Hb Hapoja . UMeHHO B Kartengape Mb MOXEM HaUTH HOUTH BCe oóbivax, oópstibi , urpbr, KYMbTbL, paujiona/1bHble 3HaHMSLW upparmoHa/IbHble npencraBnenus o6 oxpyxaroutem Mirpe 10 yenoBeke. Takon KarteHnapb yxke mpeBparrancs B CBOCO6pa3HY10 HapozHOi XII3HM. (IIo )1. Jlaspenmbeeoü n FO. CMupHosy) Onpenenure nekcuveckoe 3HaueHue Cnos BblgeneHHbIX nonyxupHblM upuprom, u sanuuure ux Hop6epure CHHOHMMbI K cnoBaM, Bb/jeneHHbM KypcuBom. IlpuBenure npumepbl oglHo3HaMHbIK W MHOTO3HaYHbIX ChOB. Haugure npoctble npennoxeHuR, ykakure , 4em oHn
Помощь с домашним заданием по истории
История – предмет, который одним интересен, а другим скучен. В то время как некоторые студенты в восторге от различных событий, сражений и ярких личностей прошлого, другим очень трудно запомнить хронологию сражений, имена влиятельных лидеров и обширную информацию, которую предлагает предмет.
К счастью, благодаря этим вопросам и ответам по истории вам легко вспомнить некоторые важные события и точное время, когда они произошли. Не волнуйтесь слишком сильно, даже если от имен этих ключевых людей у вас закружится голова. В нашей справке по домашним заданиям по истории есть функция ассоциации искусственного интеллекта, которая свяжет их с некоторыми интересными историями, чтобы помочь вам лучше их запомнить.