- As a result of the creation of which objects in the field of intellectual activity do civil rights and obligations arise? Authorship of the question: Ivan Alexandrovi ch Zenin Leave feedback < on the question / R eport an error Choose one correct answer works of science, art , inventions works of science , literature, art , inventions and other results of intellectua ll activity works of science , literature, art
- 18. Types of private property: a) federal property; b) property of the subjects of the Russian Federation; c) municipal property. d) property of citizens: c) property of legal entities. 19. Agree or disagree with the statement: aLegal facts include events (do not depend on the will of a person): natural phenomena; technogenic phenomena; events of public character and actions (provided by the law: lawful (corresponding to legal rules); unlawfuls. a) yes b) no 20. The method of legal regulation of civil law can be characterized as: a) imperative method; b) dispositive method; c) recommendatory method; d) prohibitive method. 21. What moment does the legal capacity of a natural person arise from? a) at the moment of his birth; b) from the moment of birth registration; c) from the moment of registration of the name and sumame 22. What moment does the legal capacity of a legal entity arise from? a) The legal capacity of a legal entity arises from the moment information about its creation is entered into the unified state register of legal entities; b) The legal capacity of a legal entity arises from the moment determined by its founder, c) The legal capacity of a legal entity arises from the moment the founders sign its constituent document. 23. Agree or disagree with the statement: 4Obligations shall be discharged I in the proper way in conformity with the terms of the obligation and with the requirements of the law and other legal acts, and in the absence of such terms and requirements - in conformity with the customs or other habitually presented demandsix. a) yes b) no 24. Agree or disagree with the statement: The debtor shall be obliged to recompense to the creditor the losses, caused to him by the nondischarge or by an improper discharge of the obligations. Under the losses shall be understood the expenses,which the person, whose right has been violated,made or will have to make to restore the violated right, the loss or the damage done to his property (the ordinary conditions of the civil turnover, if his right were not violated (the missed profit). compensatory damage), and also the undeceived profits, which this person would have derived under the a) yes b) no 25. __ shall be recognized as the agreement, concluded by two or by several persons on the institution.modification or termination of the civil rights and duties. a) the contract b) the legal document c) the legal act
- Test on topic "Fundamentals of Civil Law of Russia" 1. Civil law is a branch of the Russian legal system that regulates __ . a) basic organization principles of the society and the state; b) property and non-property relations between leginly equal and property independent subjects; c) social relations arising in connection with the implementation of operty independent subjects 2. Principles of civil laws a) lack of legal equality of parties. b) inviolability of property. c) freedom of contract; d) unimpeded exercise of civil rights; e) ensuring restoration of violated rights and their judicial protection: f) participation of an executive power representative (excellive body, official). 3. The main soure of civil law is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which consists of __ parts. a) four b) two c) three 4. Types of objects of civil legal relations: a) things, including money and securities, other property including property rights; b) works and services; c) intellectual property: d) non-material values 5. Natural persons with partial legal capability include: a) children under 6 years of age; b) minors of from 14 to 18 years of age; c) minors of from 6 to 14 years of age. 6. Agree or disagree with the statement: "Full legal capacity of a natural person comes at the age of 18." a) yes b) no 7. __ - an organization that has separate property and is answerable by its obligations with this property. , may on its own behalf acquire and exercise civil rights and civil obligations, sue and be sued in court. a) Executive body b) Natural person c) Legal entity d) Official 8. Forms of commercial organizations: a) general partnerships; b) limited partnerships; c) joint stock companies; d) limited liability companies; c) religious organizations; f) consumer cooperatives; g) peasant (farmer) holdings 9. Agree or disagree with the statement: "The right of ownership includes rights of possession, use and disposal of property." a) yes b) no
- Test elntroduction to Jurisprudences 1. Agree or disagree with the proposal: alaw and a state are the most important categories of Jurisprudences a) yes b) no 2. Agree or disagree with the proposal: aJurisprodence is the theoretical study of the propriety of law. Scholars of jurisprudence seek to explain the nature of law in its most general form and provide a deeper understanding of legal reasoning and analogy, legal systems, legal institutions, and the proper application and role of law in society a) yes b) no 3. Law is a system of rules created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate: a) social behavior b) moral relations c) technical systems 4. State-enforced laws can be made by a group legislature or by a single legislator, resulting in (I) __ ; by the executive through (2) __ and regulations; or established by judges through (3) __ , usually in common law jurisdictions. a) precedent b) decrees 5. The Russian Federation consists of __ subjects: republics, territorine (Arangeredons (oblasti), autonomous areas (okrugs).the automomous regions and cities of federal importance a) 65 b) 89 c) 100 6. State power in the Russian Federation is exercised by a) the President of the Russian Federation; b) the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Federation/Council and State Duma); c) the Government of the Russian Federation; d) courts 7. Point the correct answer: a) The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by nationwide voting on December 25, 1993; b) The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by nationwide voting on December 12,1993; c) The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by nationwide voting on July 4, 2020; d) The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted by nationwide voting on February 5, 2014. 8. The President of the Russian Federation:
- POWER OF AT TORNEY MAY NOT EXCEED: 3 years 6 months 5 years 2 years
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