- Activity 12. Write in order ( a.- were the library They in b.- was morning school She this at c.- were There lots cars of d.- Susan very was happy night last e.- concert the Tom was in yesterday f.- were the park We in g.- was my It birthday ago days two h.- at home was I night last i.- was film She favourite my star j.- was in class I morning this __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
- 19.B KaKOM oreere npaswnbwo onpegenenwe CHCTeMbl C QuKCHpOBaHHOM nephopuwHOCTblo 3aka3a: A. 3aka3bi Ha ovepegHy10 nocraexy npoaykuwn noBrophorcs uepe3 opuwakoBble npowexyTK4 BpeweNW, 5. 3aka3bi nocrynakor npw yMeHblueHMM 3anacos; B. BCe OTBeTbl BepHbl. 20. KaKwe M3RepXKK RBDNNTCR kpwrepkem onTWNN3aUM 3anacos: A. no sakynkam npoaykuwi; 5. no copepxaHNo 3anacos; B. norepu npw orcyrcrew npoaykunn; T. BCe OTBeTbl BepHbl. 21.KaKwe w3RepKK4 OTHOCRTCR K 3akyno4HOW norveTuke: A. no oépopmneHMro 3aka3a; 5. no opopmneHwro porosopa nocrasku k KOMMYHMKaUMA C nocrae unka mu; B. TpaHcnopTHble; r. no cKnapuposaHMON nonyueHMHO 3aKa33; A. Bce orBerbl BepHb. 22.Kakoe onpegeneHwe Ang CHCTEMbI C QuKCHpOBaHHbM pa3MepoN 3akasa: A. nononHeHwe 3anacos -Benwwwa nocrosHwas, a oveper.wor 3aka3 3anacos go noporosoro ypoBHR; 5. nononwekwe sanaca npowsBopMrce onpegeneHHbIMH QukcaposaHHbMMK naprwsww yepes pasHble npowexyTKN BpeMeHn; B. BCe OTBeTbl BepHbl. 23. Kakoe onpegeneHwe Ans CHCTEMbI C QuKCHpOBaHHON nephonwHoCTblo 3akasa: A. 3aka3bi Ha nocraeky noeropworce wepes o,MHaKOBble npoMexyTK BpeMeHu; 5. 3aka3bl Hà nononwenwe penavor npw ywewbulekim sanacos Ao noporoBoro ypoBHR; B. BCe OTBeTbl BepHbl. 24. Kakwe pacyeTHble napamerpbl umeer cucrema c QukcuposaHHbIM pa3MepoM 3aka3a: A. Toyky 3akasa (noporoBbili ypoBeHb); 5. pesepeHblir ypoBeHb 3anaca; B. MaKCAManbHbIX o6beM nocrask 3a nepuoA: T. BepHbl OTBera A N 5.
- Activity 11. Write a.-a.-a.-a.- __ happy last night. b.- She __ from England. She wasn't Russian. c.- The bird __ really beautiful. d. Halloween __ very funny this year. e.- My friends __ funny in the party. f.- You __ very good at maths. g.- How __ you? I __ fine, thanks. h.- He __ sixteen years old last year. i.- We __ the best students two years ago. j.- They __ from China. They were Chinese.
- Activity 12. Write in order ( a.- were the library They in b.- was morning school She this at c.- were There lots cars of d.- Susan very was happy night last e.- concert the Tom was in yesterday f.- were the park We in g.- was my It birthday ago days two h.- at home was I night last i-was film She favourite my star j.- was in class I morning this __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
- Activity 11. Write "WAS" Or WERE" a.- __ happy last night. b.- She __ from England. She wasn't Russian. c.- The bird __ really beautiful. d. Halloween __ very funny this year. e.- My friends __ funny in the party. f.- You __ very good at maths. g.- How __ you? I __ fine, thanks. h.- He __ sixteen years old last year. i.- We __ the best students two years ago. j.- They __ from China. They were Chinese. Activity 12. Writein order a.- were the library They in b.- was morning school She this at c.- were There lots cars of d.- Susan very was happy night last e.- concert the Tom was in yesterday f.- were the park We in g.- was my It birthday ago days two j.- was in class I morning this __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ h.- at home was I night last i.- was film She favourite my star
Помощь с домашним заданием по литературе
Литература – это вид искусства, который выражает и передает идеи, эмоции и переживания посредством языка. Это неотъемлемая часть человеческой культуры, охватывающая широкий спектр форм и стилей. Литературные произведения могут включать романы, стихи, драмы, эссе и многое другое. Литература не только отражает социальное, историческое и культурное происхождение, но также вдохновляет воображение читателей, эмоции и способности критического мышления. Через литературу люди могут исследовать внутренний мир человечества, понять различные точки зрения и ценности, испытать наслаждение красотой. Литература оказывает значительное влияние на личностный рост и развитие общества.