- 1. YeM xapakrepH3yercs 3ByKOBOe noJIe? 2. IloscHure HOT MOIIICHUSI H orparkeHua 3ByKa B HoMellle- HUW. 3. Kakne cyobekTHBHbIC oueHKH xapakrepH3yror napaMeTpbl BbICO- KOKa-YeCTBeHHOTO 3By4AHHS? 4. "Yro Takoe OT3ByK? 5. KakHe xapakrepucTHKH OT3ByKa BJIMSIHOT Hà . CJTYXOBbIe omymeHHS npn TIPOCITYIII BaHHH My3bIKH? 6. Kak BbITUINIIHT H KaK BJIHAeT Ha . CJIYXOBbIC OHYMOHHSI CHEKTP coố- CTBeHHbIX YaCTO1 HOMeIHeHHS? 7. U3 KaKHx cooópaxeHHủ BbIGHpaIOT pa3Mepbl KOHILepTHbIX 3a.TOB My3bIKaJIbHbIX CTY LUH? 8. IIpHBenure rpadpuku HapacTaHHSI H cmazia moTHOCTH 3ByKOBOM 3HeprHH B HOMeIHeHHH. 9. Kak BJHJIOT mporreccbl HapacTaHust H 9HeprHH B HOMeIIIeHHH Ha CJTYXOBOC BOCTIPHSITHe? 10. 4ro Ha3bIBaeTC A BpeMeHeM 11. 4ro Ha3blBaerca OIITHMaJIbHOÙ peBepóeparunn? 12. Kak cpenHuỳ ( 3ByKoIIorJI OIIIeHKSI CBq3aH IIHeHTaMH 3ByKorror JIOIII eHMS [ OT JIeJIbHbIX noBepxHocTe#? 13. Kak HOT JIOIIIe HHC CBđ3aHO c KO3QQUIIHEHTOM 3ByKonor JIOII(eH114? Ha3OBHTe e11MHHIIy H3MepeHHS 14. 4To Takoe cpenHecTaTHCTHYeCKO paccToslHHe CBOOOJIHOTO IIPO- Gera 3ByKOBOTO JIyua? 15. Yro Takoe BpeMit CB060JHOTO mpo6era 3ByKOBOTO Jiyya? Kakas YaCTb 3ByKOBOH 3Heprnu . HaKOTUTeHHOL B IIOMemeHun , normonraerca 3a BpeMsi CB0607HOTO Ilpo6era? 16. KaK 3aBHCHT BpeM OITTHMaJIbHOH peBep6epanuH or pa3MepoB H Ha3HaYeHHS I IIOMeIIIeHHS? 17. IIpuBenur e cxemy H3MepeHHS peBepóepalluH. 18. Kakue CHTHaJIbI MOTYT HCHOJIb30BaTbCs IIPH H3MepeHun BpeMeHH peBepōepauun?
- 1. YeM xapakrepu3yercs 3ByKOBOe HOJIe? 2. IloscHuTe norstonering n OTpaXKeHHSI 3ByKa B IIOMeIIIe- Hull. 3. Kakne CYObeKTHBHble oueHKH xapakrepH3yror napaMeTpbl BbICO- Kokayecl BeHHOTO 3By4aHHz? 4. "Yro rakoe 013ByK? 5. Kakue xapakrepHCTHKB OT3ByKa BJIHSIHOT Hà . CJTYXOBbIC omymeHHS IIPH IIPOCJIYIIIH BaHHH My3bIKH? 6. Kak BbITUNIHT R KaK BJIMqeT Hà CJIYXOBbIC omymeHHSI CHEKTP co6- CTBeHHbIX YaCTOT HOMemeHHS? 7. H3 KaKHX : cooōpaxeHHi BbIGHparOT pa3Mepbl KOHILepTHbIX 3a.710B y My3bIKaJIbHbIX (CTY THH? 8. IIpHBe2JHTe rpadukH HapacTaHHSI H cmaJIa IUTOTHOCTH 3ByKOBOM 9HepTHH B HOMeIHeHHH. 9. Kak BJUSTIOT mporreccbl HapacTaHHST H 3ByKOBOM 3HepTHH B HOMemeHHH Ha . CJIYXOBOC 10. 4ro Ha3bIBaeTC 9 BpeMeHeM peBepóeparmun? 11. 4ro Ha3blBaeTCs BpeMeHeM OIITHMaJIbHOH peBepóeparunn? 12. Kak cpe)IHHH Kooponumen 3ByKonor JIOIIIeHMS CBSI3aH HHeHTaMH 3ByKOIIOIJI HOBepXHOCTe#? 13. Kak HOT JIOIH CHH CBN3aHO C 3ByKonor mouleHHS? H3MepeHH9 14. 4To Takoe cpe/IHeCTaTHCTHYeCKO paccTosHHe CBO60]HOTO IIpo- Gera 3ByKOBOTO JIyua? 15. 4ro Takoe BpeMs CBO60/IHOTO npo6era 3ByKOBOTO Jiyya? Kakas YaCTb 3ByKOBOH 3Heprun HaKomeHHOL B noMemeHun , normonraercn 3a BpeMit CB060JHOTO IIpo6era? 16. KaK 3aBHCHT BpeMS OIITHMaJIbHOL peBepóeparmu or pa3MepoB H Ha3HaYeHHS IIOMeIIIeHHa? 17. IIpHBeHHT e cxemy H3MepeHHS peBepóepanuH. 18. KakHe CHTHaJIbI MOTYT HCIIOJIb30BaTbCs I IIpH H3MepeHHH BpeMeHH peBepōeparmun?
- 2. BcraBb npennor: off,with, of, in, on (max.5): 1. Your T-shirt goes really well __ your jeans. 2. Put milk in the fridge or it will go __ 3. I am proud __ my family. 4. Go __ I am listening to you. 5. Shukrona wants to take part __ a concert.
- completeltheandele with the correct form of the verbs in the box.You do not need to use all the words. lache beat burn Heed blink blow breathe cough dut injure recover yawn Taking care of your head This weekin Health Matters, we're taking a look at the head. One very common thing that many of you complain about is an __ head and ichy eyes especially when you're using the computer To reduce these problems, try to spend less time in front of the screen and when you're working, remember to? __ often and allow your oyog to root. If you start __ that's a warning that you're getting tired, so take a break! Playing sport means there is always a chance that you will __ yourself. Wear a helmet if you can, and if you do fall or bang your head, make sure you give yourself time to s __ before going back on the field. What should you do if your nose is __ ? Put your head forward and
- Complete the sentences with across,along, away, by, down (to), in, off, on, out,over, through or up. 1. My daughter is an early bird. She gets __ at 7 every day of the week. 2. How can Tom get __ on his poor salary? 3. Pat usually fails to get her jokes __ 4. Jim got __ his exams without much effort. 5. You'd better get __ the back seat. I've got my son's safety seat in the front. 6. I've never got __ with my brother-in- law. 7. If this secret gets __ , you'll be in trouble. 8. We've climbed the fence easily, but now we can't get __ 9. You should get __ with your homework right now. 10. Kate hasn't got __ her separation with Mark. 11. The burglar got __ before we came back home . 12. When Moly got __ the plane, she saw all her family waiting for her. 13. Let's get __ business. 14. Linda's been unemployed for six months. She's getting __ thanks to her parents' help 15. After the concert the audience got __ and applauded for ten minutes. 16. Do Steve and Jess get __ __ 7 __ __ 17. Can you tell me where I should get __ 18. We hope to get __ for a few day at Easter. 19. How did Liz get __ in here? She hasn't got the key , has she? 20. It took me two weeks to get __ the terrible flu.
Помощь с домашним заданием по литературе
Литература – это вид искусства, который выражает и передает идеи, эмоции и переживания посредством языка. Это неотъемлемая часть человеческой культуры, охватывающая широкий спектр форм и стилей. Литературные произведения могут включать романы, стихи, драмы, эссе и многое другое. Литература не только отражает социальное, историческое и культурное происхождение, но также вдохновляет воображение читателей, эмоции и способности критического мышления. Через литературу люди могут исследовать внутренний мир человечества, понять различные точки зрения и ценности, испытать наслаждение красотой. Литература оказывает значительное влияние на личностный рост и развитие общества.