- Liquids are called Newtonian if. __ ... their coefficient of viscosity does not depend on speed ... their coefficient of viscosity is independent of temperature ... their coefficient of viscosity is constant ... their coefficient of viscosity depends on fluid velocity Online Test Pad
- Will the viscosity change with decreasing fluid temperature? Viscosity will not change The viscosity will decrease The viscosity will increase
- Set the correspondence between the parameters of fluid dynamics and their units in the system SI m/s interaction force between 2 fluid layers e (Pacdot s)/(m^3) 2 fluid flow rate square N Reynold's number square e Pa pressure square Pacdot s shear rate of fluids layers square 6 m^3/s 7 unitless 11 coefficient of viscosity e 1/s or s^-1 hydraulic resistance velocity of a fluid flow
- Physical foundations of 01 hydro-and hemodynamics How to calculate a total hydraulic resistance at s connection of vessels? (rho v^2)/(2)+p=const P_(heart)=(A)/(t_(s)) C_(sum )=C_(1)+C_(2)+ldots +C_(n) (rho v^2)/(2)+rho gh+p=const Online Test Pad
- Newton's law for the viscous friction. What does the derivative of the velocity (dv)/(dr) mean in the formula? Change of the fluid velocity over time Change in the velocity of fluid flow in the direction. perpendicular flow of liquid Change in the velocity of the liquid flow along the tube
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