- Indicate the possible effects of ultrasound on the substance: electromagnetic; thermal; mechanical; chemical; electrical; magnetic;
- 10. Read Text 3B and try to identify what source of energy each paragraph describes using the words below. wave energy, nuclear power, solar power, fossil fuels, wind power, geothermal energy, tidal energy, hydropower,biomass energy, hydrogen energy Text 3B What Are Different Sources of Energy? There are 10 main different sources of energy that are used in the world to generate power. While there are other sources being discovered all the time, none of them has reached the stage where it can be used to provide the power to help modern life go. (1) __ systems can harvest the energy of the sun through using collector panels which can then be used for the production of electricity. It has grown in popularity since the oil crisis and more and more countries rely on this energy for various purposes. (2) __ is the energy we capture^2 from the movement of air and convert into electricity. Today it is booming more than ever. Recent innovations that allow wind farms to appear are making them a more common sight (3) __ is heat that is generated within beneath^3 the Earth. High temperatures are produced continuously inside the Earth's crust'by the slow decay^5 of radioactive particles . This energy is a clean renewable source that can be harnessed for use as heat and electricity. (4) __ involves the use of hydrogen and/or hydrogen-containing compounds' to generate energy to be supplied with high energy efficiency, numerous environmental and social benefits. as well as economic competitiv eness". According to the lates research, hydrogen . which has been regarded as a potential clean energy solution for decades , may finally be ready for the spotlight? (5) __ is a form of renewable energy which is created by converting energy from the regular rising and falling of the level of the sea due to alternating sea levels into electricity using various methods. The generation of energy through this power is mostly prevalent in coastal areas. (6) __ is energy harnessed from the ocean or sea . It is produced only when the surface of the water is rough This energy is renewable , environment-friendly and causes no harm to the atmosphere. It can be harnessed in coastal regions of many countries and can help them reduce their dependence on other sources of power. Most of the cities and towns in the world rely on (7) __ derived from the energy of falling or fast-running water to generate electricity. In the early 21^st century it was the most widely utilised form of a renewable energy. (8) __ is produced from organic material (e.g.plants, such as corn and soy) and is commonly used throughout the world . Plants convert light energy into chemical energy and the energy from these organisms can be burned to create heat or converted into electricity. (9) __ is produced through the process of nuclear fission 10. It is a great subject for debate as to how safe it is and whether or not it is really energy efficient when you take into account the waste it produces . But it still remains one of the major sources of energy today which provides 17 percent of the world's electricity.
- 1. Kakas ins popuyi nupaxaer sakon neessaproro THroremin? F=ma 6) F=mu N F=G(m_(1)m_(2))/(n^2) n F=mg kupmena on noverner no semmia 3 c Kepristua? a) 6 e 2sqrt (3)c B) 36 3. B revernie 10 passosepro co ckopoctitio 15m/c Kakoli nyto npomen noesu 3a yro spema? a) 1.5 M 6) 150 M B) 0,5 KM r) 45 M 4. Kakoe yekopenine npwoGperer resto, ecint an 10 cero ckopocti 25m/c a) 250m/c^2 6) 0,4m/c^2 B) 5m/c^2 2,5m/c^2 5. Kakas us dopuyn Bupaxaer III sakon Huoroua? a) a=(sum F)/(m) 6) a=(Delta v)/(t) B) F_(1)=-F_(2) r) sum F=0 6. Meny panno yekopenine 3emile? a) 6,1m/c^2 6) 1M/c^2 B) 10m/c^2 r) 9,8m/c^2 7. Kakoli nyto npolizer aBTOMOOHIL 3a 10 c , IBHranch C yckopenmen 0,4m/c^2 a) 2 M 6) 10 M B) 20M r)SOM 8.Maccoli Ten B3NJHCH 3a pyku. Hepsisili Maz164HK TOTIKIYII ETOPOTO C CHIIOR 15 H. C kakoli cunoli nepBoro? a)50H 6)21H B) OH r)15H 9. Ha paccrosmum R or newrpa 3eMilH Ha Teno nelicrayer cHna TNKECTH F. Hemy pasta CHUIa TREKECTH, nelicrnyiousa wa paccrosmus 2R or newrpa 3emmm? a)2F 6 F/3 B) F/4 r) 4/F 10. B kaktk cnyuasx Teno MOXHO TIPHIKRTE 3a MarepHanbHYIO TOHKY? a) Hpu pacvere namenus Tpakropa Ha rpywr 6) IIpw onpenenemun Bblcorti nonera pakerbl B) Ilpw onpenenemur obsesa CTa/1bHoro uapHKa r) Tlpu cnexemum 3a ABWDKEIIHEM KOCMNYECKOTO Kopa6na H3 L[VTIa Ha 3emne.
- Bapnaur4 Hucmpykuus dig cmyoenmoe:Butopamb ooun sapuanm omeema us . 1. Kakile III Be. III IIII an. Ineres __ a)pa6ora; 6)sueprus; B) r) Her BepHoro OTBETS 2. Ilyrem Ha3blBalor __ . a) __ AIHHY TpackTopuit 6) __ pacctosune or sropoit TOUKH TpackropHH B) __ orpesok npamoii.HavalibHOC nonoxeme TOMKH C ero Konemoil r) __ JHHHIO koropylo omuchlbaet Touka B 3a. LaHHOI CHCTCMC orcuera . Hemy panna cro Macca 3 H re.10 ABWKETCH C yekopenuem 5w/c^wedge 2 __ 4. Moropuas .10.1Ka Teuennio pekn co ckopoctblo 5w/c OTHOCHTCILIIO 6epera,a B crosseil BO1E-CO . 3w/c . Hemy pasita ckopoerb pekn __ 5 , 4TO I TOYKA HOKOHTCH muxeres pasHomepuo H , CC.III Hà nee . He Apyrine Tera H.TH e Ha nee Apyrux re.B3aHMHO ypasHoBememo __ a) BepHo npi mooblx yC.TOBHAX 6) BepHO B X CHCTCMAX orcuera B)BepHO JUIR CHCTEM oreuera r) HeBepHO Hit B KaKHX CHCTEMax OTCYCTa 6. Bec reia __ a) CBOlicTBO Tena 6)Qromueckas annenne f)pasmep rena 7 . Paccrosume MCKIY Heirrpamit AByx mapos panita 1M . Macca Kaxioro mapa 1 Kr . Cura THrotemas MEKIY HHMH npumepHo panila __ 8. Ho kakoit popmy.te cienyer pa __ paccultan pabory cH.1bl F_(,) HampaB.lemoi 110.1 yr.10M a k a) A=F/Delta rcosalpha 6) A=FDelta rsinalpha B) A=FDelta rcosalpha A=F/Delta rsinalpha 9. AB.lenne upenpaments AKHAKOCTH B nap HAMBIBACTCH __ . a)i 6) napoo6pasonautuem 11) 10. Ilpu H30X0pHOM npouecce B rase ne H3MCHMCTCA (HpH m-const)ero __ 6) 061.CM B)TeMrieparypa r) nce napameri 11. B cocyae HAXO.IHTCN 4 CKO.1LKO HPHMepHO aTOMOB remu B cocyae __ 12. Bemecrno He coxpanset popmy it B arperarios I cocrosmum: __ . a) TBepaoM 6) WHIKOM B) TBCp,10M HIH WHIKOM r)ra3006pastios 13. IIpH remeparype __ a) Her BepHoro OTBCTa 6) B) r) 14. Kakoe npassepuo maneuue resueparypt.I no mka.le coornerernye remeparype 473K no a6co.notroil mka.le __ 15. Ten.10 Bas Mamuna 3a HHKA no.ryuaer or KO.INTECTB Tenaorb 2KJLK oraaer 1500 Ix. Hemy panell KIII Tenaonoi Maminill __ 16. Ho kakoli popmy.ae MOAKHO BLAMHCIIII Toka is nemt __ . a) P=A/t 6) 1=q/t B) m=QR f) U=N/q 17. K HCTOTHIKY Toka I noceicionare AbBO cocau Jasuna H peocrar. The caexyer BK.HOTHTL B yron nenn assuepmerp . Tro6u Histepirth CHAY TOKA B peocrare __ 6) Meacay HCTOMINKON I Toka it pec a) Mexay naMnoii is peocrarom peocrarom B) Mexily peoctarom it KIIOMOM r) 8 moGom Mecre uems 18. Popsty.1a Jakona Oxa A.Iw yuacrka BMX __ . a) 1=q_(0)nS 6) I=E/(R+r) B) i=U/R r) 1=q/t 19. Ho kakoi popmy.ae paccurrimaior Mounoen TOKA __ 6) A=Uq B) P 00 UI U=IR 20. Hem AByx nocaeao BATC.uposozunkon comporm 7 II 11 On . Cuara roka 8 Hem 0,5 A . Hairru oómee Hampsocenne __
- Tecronan kompontions pabora an I nonyrome. Bapmairr 1. 1. Kakan ins doparya mapaxaer sakon ncessipioro Tarorems? a) F=ma 6) F=mu N F=G(m_(1)m_(2))/(R^2) F=mg 2. Ilpu cno6omon narenme OH Aoneraer no 3eMJH 3a 2 C. CKOMEKO BpeMeHH KHpruraa? a) 2 e 6 2sqrt (2)c B) 4 C r) 1 c 3. B revenue 30 c CKOpOCTbIO 15m/C. Kakoli nyti npomen noesn 3a 2TO npems? a) 2 M 6) 450 M B) 0,5 KM r) 45 M 4. Kakoe yekopenine npHoGperèr reno, eC.III 3a 10 c ero ckopocts 25m/c' a) 250m/c^2 6) 0,4M/c^2 B) 5m/c^2 r) 2,5m/c^2 5. Kakas us popuya Bupaxkaer II sakon Hblorona? a) a=(sum F)/(m) 6) a=(Delta v)/(t) F_(1)=-F_(2) r) sum F=0 6. Yeny panno yekopenine cno6o.moro nazema na 3emme? a) 6,1m/c^2 6)9,8m/c^2 B) 10m/c^2 r)1 M/c^2 7. Kakolit nytb npoilzer aBTOMOOHIb 3a 10 c ABMFASC6 C yekopeHHeM 0,2m/c^2 a) 2 M 6) 10 M B) 20M r)50M 8.Maccoã Ten B3RIHHCB 3a pyKH. HepBbti Ma.IIb'HK TOTKHY:1 Broporo C CHIOH 105 H. C kakoñ curion TOAKHYI BTOpOH MallbMHK nepBoro? a)SOH 6)210H B)OH r)105H 9. Ha pacerosmum Ror HeHTpa 3eMIIH Ha Teno nelicrayer cwna TwxecTH F Memy pasna cH11a TXXKECTH, Aelicrayioutas Ha paccrosmin 3R or Hewrpa 3eMMH? a)3F 6 F/3 F/9 r) 3/F 10. B kakux cnyuasx TEAO MOXKHO IIPHRIKT6 3a MarepHallbHy10 TOHKY? a) Ilpw pacvere nassients Tpakropa Ha rpyHT 6) Ilpw onpenenewun Bbicorisi nonera paketb B) Ilpw onpenezenum o6sema CTaJbHoro mapHKa r) Ilpu cnexemu 3a IBMDKEHHEM KOCMMECKOTO kopa6na H3 L[YTIa Ha 3emue. ypoBeitb B. Yacmb B cocmoum us 3 60.nee cnosenoux 3abanuit . Hi saòanui smou yacmu 6bl Moxceme sulópamb mobile 2 u 3anucam ux pememua c nombin o6ocnoeanuest na .uucmax 6ymazu. 1. 3a35 cek Ho Qummua cicopocth paBHulacb 18km/4 25,2km/4 Onpenenme yekopenine, c koropoim ABHraTics 2. Ha Teno Maccoli 50 Kr nelicrayior HecKonbko CHII reomerpineckas cysima Koropbix pastia 10 H.Hemy pasHo yekopenine, npuo6peraemoe ciui? 3. Hae MarepwanbMbic Towki HAXOINTICN HA paccrommur 10000 M. onpertentre cwibl ecrm Macca nepsoro 200 Kr, a sroporo 50 KI
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