- 1. Anabolism exceeds catabolism when __ . A) caloric intake is limited B) body expends more energy than it consumes C) body consume more energy than it expends D) the amount of heat produced by the body is reduced E) physical activity increases 2. Most energy stores for the body are in the form of __ and stored in __ -. A) triglycerides: adipose tissue B)triglycerides: liver C) glycogen : adipose tissue D) glycogen : liver E) glycogen : skeletal muscle 3. Which of the following is NOT an action of insulin? A) antilipolysis B) synthesis of glycogen in skeletal muscle C) synthesis of glycogen in the liver D) synthesis of proteins in most cells E) synthesis of fatty acids in skeletal muscle 4. What do peripheral thermoreceptors detect? A) core body temperature B) skin temperature C) blood temperature D) air temperature E) temperature in the hypothalamus 5. Following a mild decrease in body temperature which of the following responses will NOT occur? A) an increase in skin blood flow B) a decrease in sweat production C) a decrease in skin temperature D) an increase in shivering E) an increase in metabolism Metaholism Dentistry
- 10. Methods of counting of blood cells. Cell counting, blood dilution for erythrocyte and leukocyte counting.
- 9. Leukocytes (white blood cells), their functions . Total and differential white blood cells count.
- 6. Erythrocytes , their physiological role. Structure of erythrocytes . Normal range of erythrocyte count.
- 4 . Physicochemical properties of blood: color , viscosity, density , osmotic pressure, pH.
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