- Paper 7 Immunity Vaccines 1. Characterize the peculincities of primary and secondary immune response. 2. What's the principle of toxin neutralization test?Enumerate the types of toxin neutralization test. 3. Characterize the principle of immunoblotting Significance. 4. Classification and examples of live vaccines for specific prophylaxis. Advantages and disadvantages of live vaccines.
- 1. Classification of bacteria by type of respiration. Methods of cultivating bacteria on the type of respiration. growth n breeding of bacteria Breeding phase
- The person whose blood is transfused is called: Bbibepute opuH orBer: a. Patient b. The subject c. Recipient d. The donor
- Relatively lower water content per unit mass in: Bbl6epure onnH OTBeT: a. adipose tissue b. skeletal muscles c. liver d. kidneys
- The type of thermoregulation of the human body shell is Bblbepure oAMH OTBer: a. poikilothermic b. warm blooded c. homoeothermic d. heterothermic
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