- WHAT CHANGES : IN THE ORGANISM ARE TYPICAL OF ACUTE.-PHASE REACTION? Bbl6epuTe OLUH WTV HeCKOJIbKO OTBeTOB: a . Activation of phagocytosis b . Activation of immune system C . Increase in protein synthesis in muscles d. . Increase in albumin production in liver e. Increase in ACTH production in hypophysis
- WHICH FACTORS > ARE RESPONSIBI -E FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF TUMOR CELLS IN THE ORGANISM? Bbl6epuTe OLNH WTV HeCKOJIbKO OTBeTOB: a. NK "Natural killers" b . T-lymphocyte suppressors C. . Fibrinous pellicle covering tumor cells d T-lymphocyte killers e . Macrophage phagocytosis
- 13 . Select : the parts of cholesterol (specify I one or more answers) aliphatic chain carboxyl group OH group phosphorus cyclopentane
- Al-Qaeda internationa terrorist organization in terms of bioterrorism is very dangerous because of the presence of Bbibepure opuH oreer. a. own territory b. of the population C. wide network d. everything is correct e. a huge number of suicide bombers In the USSR research on the creation of biological weapons was carried out on the basis of: Bbibepure opur unn Heckonbko oreeros: a. foot and mouth disease b. smallpoxE. coli C. brucellosis bacteria d. cholera vibrio
- 20 . When LDL interacts with its receptor?(specify one or more answers) after a decrease in free cholestero I content after TAG accumulation after modification of apoB- 100 after a decrease in phospholipid content after accumulation of cholesterol lesters
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