- 7. Qu'est-ce qui s'applique aux sujets de l'entrepreneurial commercial? 8.Quels sont les types d'entrepreneuriat financier? 9. Qu'est-ce qu'une entreprise de conseil et d'audit? 10. Qu'est-ce que c'est un entrepreneuriat innovant? 11. Quels sont les actes juridiques principaux qui réglementent l'activite entrepreneuriale en Russie? Dans votre pays? 12. Quelle est la procédure d'enregistrement par l'état d'un entrepreneur individuel? 13. Qu'est-ce qu'une franchise ? Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients de la franchise ? 14. Donner les principales caractéristiques des formes organi sationnelles c 'entrepreneuriat. 15. Quels facteurs influencent le choix de la forme juridique de l'entreprise ?
- Travail dirigé No 1 Répondez aux questions suivantes I - Qu'est-ce que signifie l'activité entrepreneuriale ? 2. Quels sont les signes de l'activité entrepreneuriale ? 3. Quelles sont les fonctions de l'activité entrepreneuriale? 4. Comment est effectuée l'analyse des opportunités de marché? 5 . Qu'est-ce qu'une entreprise manufacturière ? 6. Qu'est-ce qu'une entreprise commerciale? araudit? 10. Qu'est-ce innovant? 11. Quels son qui réglemen Russie ? Dan 12. Quelle e par l'Etat d'u 13. Ou'est-ce avantages et ? 14. Donner I formes orga 15.Quels f forme jurid
- If you call round at a dairy, you can buy milk, cream, cheese butter and'n other milk products. 8 Are these statements true or false? Correct the false ones. 1. You can buy vegetables in the greengrocer's. 2. To buy various goods under one roof is very convenient. 3. To buy meat and poultry you have to go to the butcher's. 4. The dairy sells milk, cheese and sausages. 5. Cereals are sold in the baker's. 6. Everything in the greengrocer's is ready -made. 7. You can find various fruits in the Frut & Veg shop. 8. The department store is a store with escalators. 9. The knitwear department offers everything for knitting. 10. To buy china one needs to go to China.
- Business Communication Eithics With increased globalization, it is critical for today's managers and future business leaders to increase their understanding and comfort level with customers, associates,and partners abroad. Worldwide business organizations have discovered that intercultural communication is very important.The life of every businessperson is made up of a series of meetings and greetings. Cultural differences can either highlight and clarify or distort and confuse what is said. So, before starting a business with a foreign company it is necessary to get some information about the country and its political and economic situation, local customs and traditions, religion and cultural sensitivities to avoid making faux pas. 1. The UK: The British are rather formal. Shake hands with everyone at a meeting opon arrival and maintain eye contact during the greeting. Business cards are exchanged at the initial introduction without formal ritual. The business card may be put away with only a cursory glance. Most people use Mr, Mrs or Miss and their sumame, and only medical doctors and the clergy use their professional or academic titles in business.If your business partner is from the UK, remember that the appointments should be made at least a few days in advance. Punctuality is appreciated. Rank is respected and business people prefer to deal with people at their level.It is always desirable to send older.senior representative to the UK for face-to-face discussions.as British business culture remains essentially hierarchical Decision-making can be a slow, deliberate process.and also one should take into account that precedent plays an important part in the decision -making. Also western business culture places emphasis on clearly presented and rationally argued business proposals using statistics and facts. Networking and relationship building are often keys to long-term business success. 2. The USA: Most business partners will introduce themselves with the first name, and this is usually the way you address each other. However, you still should be careful especially with new customers and people in higher ranks. If you are unsure, always go with a "Mr. Smith" first. Handshaking is an important procedure in the Western Civilization and has its place in the American Business culture. The concept "time is money" is taken seriously in the US business culture. American business people are opportunistic, willing to take chances, direct and will not hesitate to disagree with you. Persistence is another characteristic you will frequently encounter in American business people; there is a prevailing belief that there is always a solution. Consistency is common among Americans; when they agree to a deal, they rarely change their minds. "No religion", "no politics". This unwritten rule is carried out in the world of USA business. So, as a general rule: in the beginning of a business relationship avoid any topic related to politics, religion,race, gender and so on. Answer the questions: 1) Why is it important for modern managers to understand cultural differences in business? 2)What are the key aspects to consider when starting a business with a foreign company? 3)What are the main communication norms in British business? 4) How important is punctuality in UK business culture? 5) What are the guidelines for meeting with UK business partners? 6) What is the introduction and greeting process in American business? 7) What are the key characteristics of American business culture? 8) Why is it important to avoid discussing politics and religion in American business? 9) What 10) Why are networking and relationship building key to long-term business success according to the information provided?
- Bbinnumre unppbl, Hã Mecre Koropbix B npennomeHuax AonxHb CTOATb 3anaTble. A) Aonroe BpeMR pa3AyMblBan Marnyu(1) MONHO nh M306pecTH Takoe yBenuuutenbHoe crekno(2) KOTOpoe Morno 6bl Hã paccronhun(3) 3arkeyb nopox. 5) Alokropa cMorpenu(1)4TO6bl 5blno 4ucro(2)Tak(3) kak rp83b(4) n 3AOPOBbA. B) TeM BpemeHeM Hà Bcex ynmuax 6blnu packneeHbl rpomazhble o6baBneHua(1) 4TO Marnyul cran Koponēm(2) 4TO OH npuBercreyer c80ux noAAaHHbIX(3) 4TO MHHUCTPDI OCTAIOTCAT T Ke camble(4) n(5) 4TO onn 6yAyT nomorarb lOHOMY Koponio B pabore. r) Marnyu Tak CMeprenbHO o6ukkeH(1)4TO(2) ecnu 6bl OH He BblHyrkneH 6bln Monuarb(3) OH OTBeTH 6b 3TOMy npoxoAMMuy Tak(4)KaK Ha OCKop6neHMe OTBeyalor koponu. A) C BO3paCTOM 4enoBek noHumaer(1) 4To(2) ecnn OH cgenaer xOTb HeMHOrO xopoulero Ana nrozevi(3)TO 3TMM HCKynur(4) BCe AonyujeHHble paHee oumbkn.
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