- 2.5. Statistical Analysis Baseline characteristics were expressed as median and interquartile range (IQR)for continuous variables , and as total count and percentage for categorical variables. The proportional hazards assumption was tested by stratifying by examined variables. The plots of the estimated log-log survival curves were found to be approximately parallel and fulfilled the proportional hazards assumption Multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was used to calculate hazard ratios (HR)with 95% CI with mutual adjustment for the included risk factors Dietary components , total energy intake, age and BMI were tested for normal distribution with the Kolmogorov -Smirnov test. All these variables were log transformed due to skewed distribution and HRs were expressed per 1 standard deviation (SD) increment. For statistical analyses IBM SPSS Statistics, version 26 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, US A) was used, and level of statistical significance was plt 0.05 3. Results 3.1.Baseline Characteristics
- Role card Give an individual presentation. You are in charge of green policy at your place of work or study. Prepare a list of three new initiatives that you think your place of work or study should adopt. Now prepare and give a short (five-minute)presentation. Follow these stages: Give a brief overview of your place of work (or study). Explain your ideas for new green initiatives, and for each one, say why you think they are a good idea, and possible disadvantages. Don't forget to use the language of presentations appropriately, including starting the presentation moving on to another subject referring backwards and forwards finishing the presentation. You do not need to use visual aids.
- 2.Training programme is a very imperative component in the success of a versatile and forward looking organization. Discuss this premise in light of merits of training. (15 marks) 3.a) Define the phrase Human Resource Planning ( 2 marks) b)Literary all firms embrace human resource planning owing to its advantages. Explain any THREE such advantages (7 marks) c)Discuss challenges of Human Resource Planning ( 6 marks) 4.Distinguish between moral and immoral managers bringing out any FIVE aspects of ethical considerations. (15 marks) 5. a) Discuss levels of induction as a socialization imperative activity to the modern organizations. ( 6 marks) b) Discuss demerits of the following: i) Internal recruitment (4 marks) ii) Out sourcing (5marks) 6. (a) In light of common morality, explain the following terms: i. Non-malevolence (2 marks) ii. Promise keeping ( 2 marks) ( b) Discuss any THREE functions of the modern Human Resource manager (11 marks)
- 2.Answer Questions ONE and any other interest 1.a) Explain the phrase human resource management. (3marks) b) Human resource management evolved from medieval age personnel management. Both constructs however have conspicuous similarities . Discuss any FIVE. (10 marks) c) As a Human resource expert you have been invited to give a talk on major challenges in Meru HR function. Highlight the core areas of your talk. (10 marks) d)Explain the meaning of soldiering in the context of Human (2marks) Resource
- 1.a) Explain the phrase human resource management. (3marks) b) Human resource management evolved from medieval age personnel management. Both constructs however have conspicuous similarities . Discuss any FIVE. (10 marks) c) As a Human resource expert you have been invited to give a talk on major challenges in Meru HR function. Highlight the core areas of your talk. (10 marks) d)Explain the meaning of soldiering in the context of Human (2marks) Resource
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