- 13 Insert the correct prepositions: (1) In the 19^th century Britain accounted __ about one third __ world's exports. (2)Foreign trade is vital __ Britain. (3) The country depends __ foreign trade. (4) There is usually an unfavourable balance __ trade in the country. (5) But this is compensated __ by the so -called invisible trade. (6) The earnings __ invisible trade come in various payments.
- 12. Free response questions. 0 points) In the commodity market Qd=100-5P,Q_(5)=5P-40 Government impose a tax of s er unit of goods on produser. ind the elasticity demand and supply in the point of equilibrium. ermine: ow to changes consumer and produce surpluses, government revenue and DWL. initial equilibrium) At Pw=10 what happens with consumer and producer surpluses, net gain he country decide to import goods. What must the world price be for firms to export 10 units of output? How to change consumer producer surpluses in this case.
- CR 15 Complete the sentences with the following words: world 's export, international trade, livelihood , percentage, manufactured goods (1) In the 19^th century Britain dominated __ (2) Britain accounted for about one-third of the __ (3) In the 20^th century the volume of __ increased. (4) The __ of British exports in the world trade declined significantly. (5) But still foreign trade is vital to Britain's __ (6) The country depends on foreign trade to provide a market for their __ 16 Write answers to the following questions: (1) What goods does the United - __ Kingdom export and import? __ (2) What services does the coun- __ try export? __ (3) Does the country earn a lot __ of money thanks to a big __ number of tourists coming to __ Britain? (4) What is the Commonwealth? __
- BaM HyxeH Ka4eCTBeHHbII KOneCHbli 3KCKaBarop Hitachi EX100WD n KOBU Ang 3KCKaBaropa ex100? 16:26 . Why TOIIbKO Bejpo? KavecTBeHHble n pororpadun 8 ampaBwn 3 60/Ibulo& KOBUI n ManuHKn KOBLI npexnuten 16:30 Eucrpo 3aMeHa 16:31
- 15. Hpn6btab (y6MTOK) or nponax paccummaerew exery nonyuemo (y6brrok) or nponax npowe noxozimi - npowe pacxozas - npouentist Kynare B) Buipyvika - ceóccronstocts Hazoroo6inoxkemma-nazor Ha ripH6blitb r) tipi6sizis (y6strok) or nponaxx - npower zoxozibt + impoune ymare - npotlewrid K - KOMNep-VecKne pacxozhh! 16. Ilpn6bizib (y6ktrok) 20 Hazoroo6:10:Kem o6pa30M: a) npu6binb (y6krrok) 20 6) npw6sth (y6ktrok) or nponax - ripoune noxonut npowe pacxozibi + npotlemmi Kymare - nponewrbl K nonyuentio B) Bapyika - cebecrommocrt. r) npw6szzb (y6ktrok) or npozax + npoune C. Noxontal - npount pacxoula cdot npouential xynnare + npoueNTial nony 4eHMO A) Baz108a4 npu65tib (y6strox)- KOMMepyecKue pacxoztbl yupasnenveckne pacxo.151 17. Mucras npu6stin (y6strok) paceumbina a) npH6bL1b (y6brrok) no ripH6bulb 6) npw5bL1b (y6trTOK) or nponax - npowe noxogbt nposine pacxozibi + npoueHTBl K yunare - inponentibl K B) Bupyika - ce6ecrossxocTs r) npr6bL15 (y6strok) or nponaxx + npo9He 110X0/15 - IIpovine pacxozibi - npouentris K yunare + mpotlentib K - KOMMepyecKHe pacxozibl - ynpan.newyecKHe pacxoztbl 18. Penra6e:1bHOCTh - 310: B Tekyutem nepHone o606utarounnit nokasarent appexTHBHOCTH BCEM 6) COOTHOLIEHINe appekra or XO3NHKCTBeHHOW LEATEIHHOCTH H 3arpar H.IH HCTO,Ib3yeMbIX pecypcos B) Thokasare.In appekTHBHOCTH r) Her npaBH.16Horo orgera A) BCe OTBeTB! BepHbl 19. Ilokasarenb penra6e:15H0CTH npozaxx xapakrepH3yer: a) pearusautmo OCHOBHO?nponykuHH 6) COOTHOLIEHIHe appekra or It HCTOIIb3yeMbIX pecypcos B) npH66LTb, Honyuaemyto 3arpar Ha IIDOH3BO,ZCTBO H r) OTHOMEHHe 4HCTOH npu6still K epezHerozoBoit CTOHMOCTH KarlHTaJIa A) BCe OTBeTbl BepHbl 20. PenrabenbHOCT mponykumu (penra6enbuocrs paceumbisaerest no popmy.re: a) Ro6=prod /BP^ast 100% 6) Rn=prod /C^ast 100% B) R_(3)=EBIT/Acast 100% r) ROA=prod /BPtimes BP/A=RIpoutimes Ko6 ROE=4prod /CKtimes 100%
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