- 11. GDP would include which of the following? a Intermediate goods sold to firms. D b . Legal consulting services. C . Illegal drug sales. C d . Housework.
- 6. A tire co mpan y sells fou tire s to an aut omak er for 400 , and a compac t disc player for 500 c th em in a car sold for 25,000 . What is the e GDP cor trib ution? a. 25,900 b. 24,900 c.. The auto ma ker's profi t only. d. 25,000
- " 3. 11 hominal GDP grows by 6% and the GDP deflator increases by 4% a. -2% b. 6% C. - 2% d. 10%
- 20. An in crease in the GD P def lator indice tes: a An incre ase in th e ov eral I price level of all goods and ser vices produc b A rise in th equ lantity of goods p rod uced in the econ omy. C C.An increase ir the purch asing pow er of money. d . A dec rease in nom ina I GDP ) re lative to I real GDP
- 3. Total income in the economy equals: a. Total wages and salaries paid. b. Total government expenditures. c. Total expenditure on all final goods and services. d. Total business investment.
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