- WHICH OF THE FO LLOWI NG IS N OTAN ETHIC AL ASPECT D ESCRIBED BY THE N CA CREDO FOR ET HICAL COMM NUNICAT ION Select one: promoting ethical standards in business accepting responsibility for one's own communication freedom of expression access to communication resources and opportunities respecting a source before evaluating her or his message
- WHICH O F THE F OLLOW ING IS N OT AN ETHIC AL ASPE CT DE SCRIB ED BY THE NC A CREDO FOR E THICAL COMMUNICAT ION Select one: respecting a source before evaluating her or his message promoting ethical standards in business accepting responsibility for one's own communication freedom of expression access to communication resources and opportunities
- 1. Havire omperesrenne n OTBeTbTe Ha Bompocbl. 1. Give the definition of the word "management". 2. Name the function of management. 3. What does directing mean? 4. What does organizing include? 5. What must a good manager know? 6. Does a manager give directions to the organization? 7. Direction is guiding and motivating others to work effectively to achieve the goals , isn't it? 8. Give the definition of the controlling.
- 3. Ecrw mpw armocdpepHOM HaBJIeHHH 100 KIla KOHLEHCHpyeT- ca 200 r napoB HeKoroporo BerrectBa riph 100^circ C , TO B OK- pyzxaronnyio cpeny neperaerca KOnHYLECTBO Tenstorbl, paB- HOe 460KJK . VrembHax Tennora napoo6pa30BaHHã 3TOTO BerrjecTBa TIpH6IIH3HT JIbHO paBHa 1) 2,1cdot 10^8prod x/Kr 2) 2,1cdot 10^7prod K/Kr 2,3cdot 10^6prod x/Kr 4) 2,3cdot 10^4prod K/Kr
- 3 Task 3. Model with endogenous population and technologies Consider a model with endogenous technology and population . Population growth is an increasing function of the difference between current income per capita, y, and the minimum level of income bar (y) required for subsistence: n=beta (y-bar (y)), where beta is a positive constant . Total output is a function of labor (L) and land (R) Y=(AR)^alpha L^1-alpha Assume that available land does not grow over time. Growth of technology depends on output per capita: dot (A)/A=gamma y where 0lt gamma lt beta . 1. Analyze the dynamics and steady state(s) of the model. Solve for any steady state values of output per capita y^ast . Draw a grath of the growth rate equation with dot (y)/y on the vertical axes and y on the horisontal axes 2. Suppose that y is rising to a new level. What is the change in the steady state level of output per capita? population growth? Illustrate your answer on a diagram 3. Suppose that R is rising to a new level.. What is the change in the steady state level of output per capita? population growth? Illustrate your answer on a diagram.
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Написание стандартного делового задания никогда не было легкой задачей для большинства молодых людей. Требуется хорошее понимание темы задания, вида и направления бизнеса; а также разработать идеальный план и структуру содержания задания и приступить к написанию основного текста, а также к корректуре текста на более позднем этапе.
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