- What is the de finition of mana geme nt? The technique of m motivating ng employees to work harder The act of making important decisions in an org anization The process of planning , organizing , leading, and controlling resources (human , financial, physical , information) of an organization in order to reach its goals efficiently and effectively The p process of controlling and supervising
- What is th e principle of division of labor? Employees should be grouped based on their skills and expertise Managers should delegate all tasks to their subordinates Employees should have the flexibility to switch job roles whenever they please Each employee should have multiple job responsibilities
- Which le vel of man agem ent is responsible for translating the ov erall strategies into specific goals and plans? Middle-level managers Top-level managers Staff managers Frontline supervisors
- What is the primary role of operational m anagers? Setting long-term strategic goals Overseeing day -to-day operations Developing organizational policies Providing guidance to top-level managers
- What a re the four fun ctions of ma nage ment ? Researchi ng, marketing , selling , distributing Planning , organizing , leading , controlling Budgeting , hiring, training , evaluating Analyzing strategizing , communicating,
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