- objectives are being achieved. control system is designed to provide reasonable assurance that all the control Required: What purpose does an internal control system serve in an organization? (6 marks) b) Identify and briefly explain the three key elements of a good internal control system. (6 marks) c) Identify and briefly explain any four inherent limitations of an internal control system (4 marks) d) Briefly explain how the auditor can use methods of sample selection when carrying out his audit assignment: giving examples (4 marks)
- purpose of a letter of representation? (br) State and triefly explain the action malitions should take if the management refuses to provide a letter of representation. (4 marks) marks) (ii) Sate the specific representations you in an mudition, would wish to obtains from the manegement in respect of (1) Amers. (4 marks) (ii) Liabilities (4 marks) (d) identify any four contents of an andil engagement letter
- a) Explain the factors an militer Thould consider when discoming the adequacy of a client's internal control cystem. (6 marks) b) Highlight the possible deferences mailable to as auditor in a court of law who has been sund for to detect froud in climb's company.(5 marks) (i) in order to conduct an andit effectively and efficiently, an undition should properly plan for the anignment Faplain the matter that an andikor should take into account at the planning stage of an madit exercise (B marks) i) Identify and explain the functions of the internal muslit department in an organization. (4 marks) c) Explain the meaning of the term "madit commince a marks) 1) State and briefly explain the objectives of an walit poor review is marks) a) What hithes
- Outline how the relationship between marginal benefit and marginal cost at the new (after-subsid)) equilibrium relates to allocative efficiency (or inefficiency).
- Business Organizations have played a big role in the satisfying various human needs and wants over time. In view of this: a) Discuss briefly the FOUR main objectives of doing business. (12 marks) b) Discuss any FOUR challenges businesses face now and their respective remedies. (8 marks) c) Mention any FIVE factors that accelerated development of business. (5 marks) Question Two a) A partnership Deed is a very important document in forming a partnership. Explain any FIVE major clauses in it and their respective significance. (10 marks) b) Outline any FIVE merits of starting a co-operative form of business. (5 marks) Question Three a) Explain the FIVE main aids to trade and their significance to business entities. (10 marks) b) Mention any FIVE roles played by C.B.Os and N.G.Os in the community. (5 marks) Question Four c) Discuss any FIVE factors you would consider when starting a pork business. (10 marks) d) Mention any FIVE demerits of starting a Co-operative form of business. (5 marks) Question Five Research has shown that more than half of businesses die within a year of being set up. With an example of your choice and a diagram, discuss the FIVE main challenges facing businesses today and their respective remedy. (15 marks)
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